1. A cuckold

    Date: 8/30/2015, Categories: Group Sex Interracial Sex, Voyeur, Author: woreout, Source: xHamster

    My wife told me that this Saturday she was having her ladies group over for some relaxing and sunning by our pool. This group of ladies are some of her co workers and a few are neighbors for our neighborhood. I've met most of them but not everyone. I was told that a &#034 new&#034 member would be there and the ladies would be discussing things of a personal nature. So that ment I couldn't hang out with them. A big part of the joy of cuckolding is being obedient. Friday after work I cut grass, cleaned the pool and made sure enough lounge chairs where placed on the tanning deck. The get together was to start at eleven Saturday. I had the table set and music going while my wife was getting ready. My wife came out to see if I had everything to her liking. She was wearing a bikini I'd never seen before. It was bright yellow , almost neon. The top was a typical triangle style and the bottoms covered only half of her ass cheeks. I commented on it and she did a quick model of it. She told me it was made without any lining. That it was for tanning only , if it gets wet it would be like she was naked. Yeah I had a thought pop in my head. The ladies started showing up right on time. Everyone wearing two piece swim suits. As the started chitty chatting my wife came over and excused me. She said you can go inside and stay there until we need something. Now we don't have a slave master relationship but at times my wife can be a tad domineering. I looked around at the ladies all looking at ...
    ... us, I did a small bow and said &#034 ladies enjoy your self's &#034 . I went inside and grabbed a cold beer and turned on the TV in the den. Soon after getting nice and relaxed I started hearing car door closing. It was just after twelve noon. I looked out the front window and noticed a couple of cars I hadn't seen before. More women I thought. I went to the kitchen for another beer. While in there I looked out toward the pool. Some of the ladies where in the pool others standing in a small group talking. I started back to my relaxing in the den when I heard the patio door open. I turned to see my wife coming in the house and she was topless. I just stared at her for a second. She was walking fast and said as she passed me I gotta pee. I sat down and waited for her to come back past me on her way out. In a few minutes she came down the hall and was headed out without stopping to speak. Hey sweetheart I said, hang on a second. She turned around and said WHAT? Hurry its cold in her said added. Her nipples where rock hard. I said where is your top? She said it's outside, I don't want tan lines on my tits , is that all? Well yeah I said , OK have fun. She hurried back out. It was the same with each of the wife's out there, one by one they would come through headed to the John. Some like my wife where topless. Not all of them where what I'd call hot. Several where soccer moms. Belly fat and chubby thighs. My wife was by far the cream of the crop. At five foot four and one hundred ...