" Giving a MILF a Ride Home "
Date: 3/2/2016,
True Story
Author: sextape1993
The band was loud and the room was hot. A small out of the way bar in Cork city. A very tight fit. A long narrow room, the band platform was at the end of the long bar facing down the room. Tall round tables and bar stools scattered along the wall opposite the bar. The dance floor was pretty much the aisle and a small area in front of the band. Whatever space was not occupied by tables or the bar. Even though the sea of heads didn’t show any pathways people seemed to be able to roam around without much difficulty. The patrons, mostly regulars and mixed from just turned 21 hard bodies to 40 – 50 year old middle class types, knew you had to kind of stay in a constant motion to allow movement through the crowd. I was alone and had arrived early and had a seat at a table a few tables away from the front of the band platform. My chair, near a wall gave me the opportunity to lean back against the wall and watch, as people came in and milled around. Not having to lean over the table also gave me the vantage point to check out the ladies walking by from the waist down. Beautiful legs, short skirts, tight shorts, high heels, bare legs, legs in nylon. Just sitting here, sipping my Guinness, and taking in the sights. The ladies seemed to out number men 2:1 maybe 3:1. By the time the band had started playing seating, what was left of it, was at a premium mostly standing room only and four deep at the bar. The dirty 50 year old gentleman that I am had allowed three 30 something ...
... attractive ladies to sit at my table. They seemed to be having a good time and based on the conversation didn’t seem to be bothered by my close presence. The lady to my immediate left was in full view of my gaze. Attractive, blonde hair, slight tan probably left over from summer. A pendent hung around her neck and rested just above a peek of cleavage showing from her shiny, maybe silky, button front blouse, with only the top button undone. It became obvious from some movements she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her blouse was tucked neatly into a tan above the knee skirt slit neatly up her right side exposing a bit of nicely shaped nylon covered leg. These ladies could easily be 3 ‘soccer mums’ but none were wearing wedding bands. Life is good. The band stopped playing leading into their break. The lady next to me still speaking loudly over the now non existent music “… got me so wet I left marks in my chair.” Realizing to late the music had stopped she turned a beautiful shade of red and glanced over at me. I just smiled, nodded and added “No problem” She smiled back and turned to her friends, “That was embarrassing”. I guess it made her a bit uncomfortable and she was fidgeting, bouncing her shoe on the end of her foot. Soon the inevitable happened and her shoe fell off landing near the leg of my chair. I stood slid my chair back and knelt down on one knee to pick up her shoe. Not knowing what came over me I took her nylon-clad foot and slid it into the shoe looking up at her and said, “Your ...