1. The Best Surprise Christmas Gift My Wife Ever Gave Me

    Date: 8/29/2015, Categories: Love Stories, Author: jaycox, Source: LushStories

    ... From all we know she has found a guy who fucks her the way she needs to be fucked. They have two more children and Curt, her husband, has legally adopted her first two children. They don't live far from us, and we see them often. Dani and I now have three little ones. She left the Corps to be a mom, and I am working in a business I created. We still celebrate Christmas Eve with all the passion we ever had, but added one mandatory event just before we go to bed; we watch the CD again from the year that Dani gave me the greatest gift I ever received from her at a time of real sadness for me. The most important part was Dani trusted me, she knew I was her man and trusted me with Sylvia. Sylvia and I love each other as in-laws and have never ever spoken of the Christmas Eve again. It was a "one-time" event. Merry Christmas all! Johnny