Nurses' stories
Date: 2/22/2016, Categories: True Story Exhibitionism Male / Older Female, Masturbation Written by women Author: maria1
... his hips as he was wriggling and trying to thrust, but it was hard to keep him still as he ejaculated. His eyes kind of rolled back, and then tears came down his face as it all came out of him. Once again, I was taken by surprise with forcefulness of his ejaculation and the large amount of thick semen that spurted from his pulsing young manhood. My only comparison was with my hubby’s modest ejaculate which barely fills a teaspoon. I guess I should have known better if I’d reflected on their different sized gonads. After his spasms stopped I held him in my arms for a while and he cried, saying how sorry he was and that he couldn't help it. I made him cosy again and cleaned him up. He squeezed my hand shyly. Later I couldn't stop thinking about him. It's happened to lads I've looked after before, but they are mostly a bit more brash about it, Chris was so shy that somehow it made it more arousing. He kept looking at me and going all red and stuff. He was so sweet! About 10 years ago, I had the tables turned on me in a way. As mentioned in the earlier story, I’m a registered nurse and on this occasion, I was a patient in a big teaching hospital awaiting an operation for some lady’s problems the next day. I was dressed in a hospital gown and was otherwise naked. My OB-GYN was on a ward round with a group of medical students. There were four young male and two female students. They came into my room and my specialist asked if it was alright with me if the students watched as he ...
... performed a pelvic exam on me. When I was younger, I would have been frightfully embarrassed because of my rather large clit. Nowadays, I am more confident with my body and tease my hubby that my clit is longer than his flaccid dick and literally half the size of his fully erect cock. My hubby once measured it when it was fully erect before I climaxed and it was about 2.5 inches long. He calls it my “obscene organ of brute pleasure”. I remember how I laid on my back, feet flat on the bed and my OB-GYN asked me to open my legs, the medical students jostled for a better view. He adjusted the overhead lamp so that my private parts were brilliantly illuminated. He raised the gown to my waist (I was naked underneath), spread my labia with gloved hands and felt every inch of my inner folds, even stretching them which was both exciting and very embarrassing. He said he was checking for lesions and elasticity. I hadn’t shaved so my dark brunette bush was thick and luxuriant. Then he swabbed the entrance to my pee hole with a little q-tip swab. I'd never had anything inserted there before. At first, I felt a little embarrassed but out of nowhere I was becoming aroused with all those eyes focussed on my vagina, especially when he pulled back the hood of my clit and pulled my labia apart at the very the base to force it fully into the open. I could feel my clit swelling and becoming hard. As he was doing spreading my turkey wattle, he was describing what he was doing to the students. My ...