1. Emily's Seduction (part six)

    Date: 8/29/2015, Categories: Taboo Author: Green_Man, Source: LushStories

    ... upstairs and clean up." She scrambled out, through the archway to my library door, and entered there. I was over by the kitchen counter pouring coffee when Erica appeared in the room. I smiled at her and gave her a kiss. "Good morning, my dear. Sleep well?" "Yes. Yes, I did my big lover. You tired me out last night." She giggled. I smiled again. We both starting preparing breakfast. We often cooked together. I thought I heard footsteps in the hall. "Was that Emily coming down? It's getting a little late. No harm. She's still on break," said Erica. "Not sure, dear. We'll make enough for all of us. If she isn't down in a few minutes I'll go get her." Emily arrived soon after. She held her head down as she waved at her mother. I detected what I assumed was a smirk on her face. Perhaps she was still not disciplined sufficiently. We would see. After breakfast I retired to my office and the two girls said something about shopping for the coming school year. I heard the door closing about thirty minutes later. Two perfumes drifted through the house. Jasmine and gardenia. It was a week later. We were preparing to take Emily to the train station. She would be going back to her academy, which was almost twelve hours away. Taking the passenger train was simpler than driving her all the way, and then returning. The porters would help load and unload her belongings. And a shuttle would meet her at the station when she arrived. I had loaded four bags and a large box of necessary items ...
    ... into the trunk of the car. The two girls were still working on makeup and clothing upstairs. I sat in the living room. My thoughts drifted back over the summer. Emily had consumed me to a certain extent. I sometimes felt spellbound by her. But, I certainly bore some of the blame. She was an adorable girl. Charming. I smelled jasmine. Emily entered the room. I smiled at her. I rose and approached her. I wanted to hug her and wish her well while I had the chance. Perhaps at the station we would be rushed, and her mother would be rather emotional I assumed. Putting my arms around her I felt the warmth of her body. She was almost taller than I was. I wasn't wearing a coat, so I felt her soft and firm body pressing into me. Her nipples seemed to be hard. I took a deep breath as I smelled the aroma of her hair and neck. "You're such a horny old man, Dick. I know you'll miss me. More than mother, I expect." I was not an old man. I was only fifty, for the love of god. What did she mean. Oh well, she was young. It was true that the youth of today didn't seem like me, when I was in my teens and early twenties. They were rather presumptuous it appeared. Emily was sometimes a little arrogant in her attitudes, thinking she understood me better than I understood myself. But in many ways she was a lovely young lady. Yes, very sweet. "Are we ready to leave? Emily, get your sweater. It might be chilly on the train. Did you load everything, Richard?" "Yes Erica. It's all in the car. We can leave ...