1. A Boy and his Genie - Chapter 10

    Date: 2/20/2016, Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Body modification, Bondage and restriction Female Domination, Male / Female Teens, Male Domination, Mind Control, Non-consensual sex Oral Sex Author: DragoTime

    ... really wanted to get this chapter out, but real life and a desire to make it good delayed that. Someone suggested I should block unregistered comments, which I considered, but very few registered users comment, with most coming from anonymous people, and I wouldn't want to block the genuinely nice people. I frequented this site for a couple of years before registering, and though I never commented I don't think, I'd have hated to have been blocked from doing so. Although even as I'm writing this, someone has commented "Where's chapter 10?". I do like seeing I have comments, and it disappoints me a little when I see that most of them are either people nagging me to post more, or duplicates. Anyway, back to discussing the story itself. Matt and Sophie are back together, reconciling after what they've been through in this chapter. I hope it doesn't seem too forced, but I felt like it would be the sort of thing to get them back together after their argument. Something I've now realised I've forgotten to put in is Sophie apologising to Alexis, so I'll have to put that in the next chapter. Speaking of future chapters, I definitely know how it's going to end. Maybe. Like, I don't know the End End, but I know the stuff near it. I promise there'll be answers for the plot twists from this chapter. Why can Matt and Sophie break the rules? Who sent Matt Lumiosa? All will be answered in the future, if you wish hard enough. Now then, let's hope Chapter 11 doesn't take this long...