1. Glamour Shots, Chapter 16

    Date: 2/18/2016, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: stormdog100

    ... us spooning in the opposite direction now, and her arm crept over my hip until she could cup her hand over my package. It felt nice, her body against my back and her hand gently holding my overworked, flaccid, and worn out genitals, the warmth of her smooth skin and soft breasts pressed to me, and I quickly fell sound asleep. When I next awoke it was light outside and I was alone in our bed, no trace of Alli. Looking at my clock I was surprised to see that it was almost eight thirty; I rarely ever get to sleep that late! I stretched, feeling rested, satiated, sexually satisfied…but, incongruously, sporting a rigid, rock-hard, jutting erection. Now, I’ve had morning wood – in fact, it’s fairly routine – but this was morning steel, or possibly a steel/titanium alloy, longer than usual and ridiculously hard, and determinedly pointing at the ceiling. I chalked up the insane degree of hardness to the effect of the Cialis still in my bloodstream, but that knowledge didn’t solve my dilemma; I desperately needed to pee, and the angles were all wrong for accomplishing that basic task! I wandered into the bathroom and stood for a minute or so, waiting for it to ease a bit, but no such luck; it simply throbbed, upright and rigid. Normally – with a normal morning erection – I can force it down enough to aim, at which point it typically begins to let up some. Not this one! Instead, as if to prove all of Archimedes’ theories about levers and leverage, when I tried to force it down it ...
    ... seemed to lift my heels off the floor. With bursting bladder I contemplated the feasibility of standing further back from the toilet and tried to calculate the arc and trajectory required to hit the target, taking into account fluid dynamics, hydraulic pressure, crosswinds, gravity, and all the rest. It was too much for my mind to manage so early in the day – or ever, for that matter, not being an engineer or even slightly competent in physics, ballistics, or trigonometry. Instead I settled for leaning my forearm on the wall above the commode, and my forehead on my forearm, angling my body enough that I could accomplish the task without having to snap my penis off at the base. Still, it wasn’t easy, but it worked, and the relief was immeasurable. What it didn’t accomplish in this instance, however, was any reduction whatsoever of my raging erection. I figured the best way to accomplish that might be to find Allison so the two of us could tackle it together, which sounded potentially both effective and fun to me, so I pulled on my sweatpants and went in search of my bride, the significant pup-tent in my pants leading the way. When I got downstairs I called out to her, but got no answer. At about the time that I realized that Ruby was also missing and that the two of them were probably out for a walk, the door opened and in bounded a very charged-up and enthusiastic dog, and Alli, her cheeks red from the cold. I managed to fend off Ruby, not wanting her to jam a cold wet nose into ...