My wife and her lover
Date: 2/17/2016, Categories: Fantasy Bondage and restriction Cheating Domination/submission Female/Female Lesbian Mind Control, Non-consensual sex Rape Wife Author: Richard pearson
Our lover... Today started out like any other day. Alarm 4a.m work day up dressed out the door nothing particularly interesting happened during the day it wasn't until I was pulling up at home in my van I noticed an extremely hot lady sitting in a small car next to my van she was very attractive blonde lady with smudged lipstick and messy hair she was smiling at me her eyes were locked onto mine it started to get a little uncomfortable as if she was inviting me into her mind I turned and got out the van and went inside as she drove off. It played on my mind all night as I clearly had a sexual attraction to this blonde messy lady but tried to push it to the back of my mind I am a married man after all. The next morning I woke up with no alarm as it was a Saturday and as always sat mornings I go for a nice run through my local woodlands a treat after a hard week kissed my wife and off I went. My routes to and through the woodlands are much the same each time so this particular morning as I enter the wood I see a lady just in front of me wearing tight yoga pants and tank top running a slow pace. My eyes are automatically drawn to here rear behind and what an arse it was bouncing each cheek as she moved something oddly familiar about her. I got closer she stopped turns and rested on her knees it clicks it was the blonde girl from outside my house yesterday as get closer she looks at me and smiles on my approach and says excuse me do you have any water I forgot mine and I'm ...
... gasping. I stop like a gentle man and hand her my belt bottle. After a sip she hands it back and says thank you the continues to say I saw you yesterday I say yes I remember you your hair was slightly messy and you looked like you had just woken up. She giggled and held out a hand and said I'm Claire. Hi I'm Richard I say in response. Then she asked if she could run with me I agree and we set off on a slow pace. Not 30 sec into this weird joint run she catches me staring at her arse I look at her she is smiling back at me and I think shit now I've gone got myself in trouble but she she stops look me in the eye brushes my face with her hand as she move passed me in the operate direction and says see you soon and runs back the way we can. Now I'm confused relieved but confused I try to push it to the back of my mind and continue at a faster pace on my run but can't get the image of her sexy body and arse from my head I figure if I turn around now run home I can catch my wife alone and fuck her hard relieve my frustration. I get to my house and I walk past the living room window towards the door and I can hear my wife panting and moaning. I look in the window to try and catch her masterbating I see he on the sofa the back facing the window her head tilted over the back eyes closed and calling don't stop and I realise my wife is having an affair there is someone in there with her just then the head of this person emerges from between my wife legs its Claire the blonde sexy fitness car ...