1. To Quote Hemingway

    Date: 8/28/2015, Categories: Cuckold, Author: flytoomuch, Source: LushStories

    ... idea of hiring a hard cock did not seem peculiar at all. Robbie had no time to feel sorry for the pudgy fifty-seven-year-old billionaire shackled inside the chrome bars. The pile of crisp new wrapped Benjamins caught his eye. The green pile represented his greatest desire as a young man—college fees and a new car. The money held him in thrall. More than the stiff leather collar around his neck the money was the power Patricia had over him and his specially endowed cock. Robbie looked about the room. A grossly expensive wine-stained Cavalli sequined mini dress was rumpled on the Persian carpet to his left. A delicate pair of torn black La Perla panties lay on the maple wood floor to his right. The coffee table showed residue traces of how far their “after-party” had degenerated; white dustings of cocaine were scattered across its shiny black surface. Life’s lessons are taught at moments like this. If the young man had a father this was one of those moments his dad would have opined on. “Son you should know people will do anything for money—even become a sex pet for an über-rich zillionaire and his trophy wife.” Perhaps his dad would have cautioned him away—perhaps. Robbie chuckled at the thought. His real father had taken a runner before he was even born so no such lecture could ever take place. There was no one to warn him away from the debauchery he was now a key player in. Rob’s single mom had struggled to even make minimum wage cleaning people’s houses. Had she ever ...
    ... seen a bottle of Krug Champagne? Or a bundle of crisp wrapped Benjamins? Nope. Could she imagine her son collared? Robbie was certain his mother wouldn’t believe what her handsome son was doing right now. Colleen had dreams for her son, but becoming a “pet” had never entered her limited imagination. As Patricia led Robbie forward he knew well what the sordid wife holding his leash was intending. It was the same ritual every time. Rob cringed at the thought of a man touching his cock. Yet there was always the money. He lusted for the cash, for the car, for the opportunity he would never otherwise have. Rob pushed the revulsion rising in his throat down past his churning gut. “Come Robbie. Let’s show my husband what he can never have.” Patricia giggled. She smiled a glamorous sparkling smile. Patricia obviously relished her role as a mistress cuckolding her wealthy husband. Women in their element “glow” and Patty certainly was glowing. She radiated sexual heat. Patricia had the self-satisfied look of a woman who has the world by the tail—and indeed she did. Robbie looked Patty up and down. The young man who only days ago had still been a teenager had to admit Dave’s trophy wife was a stunning specimen. Rob’s warm hazel eyes took in Patty’s toned personal trainer honed “bikini body”. Her flawless honey-hued skin was kissed golden by the summer sun. The sexy wife’s long lush brunette hair gleamed. A Leonardo who knew what every horny young man would want for his “dream woman” had ...