1. The Professor And The Admirer

    Date: 8/28/2015, Categories: Mature Author: Poppet, Source: LushStories

    ... to come, but she got sick. I had no one else to come with, but didn't want to miss it.” “I'm real sorry to hear about your friend. I hope they feel better soon, darling. Who is the author, would I know them?” “His name is Steven Matthew, he is a professor in the UK. He only has a couple books, he isn't as popular over here.” I trail on, telling her more about him, as she does my toes, then works on my fingers. She seems rather interested, even though she has no idea who he is. After almost two hours of being tended to hand and foot, I thank the ladies and head back to the hotel. Though I only drop my car off, before taking a stroll along the busy streets. Window shopping, people watching, simply soaking in the day. It isn't until after dinner time, do I make it back to the hotel. My feet hurt from wearing the wrong kind of shoes to do so much walking, I decide on a bath. The bathroom is almost as big as the room, with a tub large enough to fit at least four adults. Though I'm not sure why anyone would want that many people in a tub, but that's just me. I soak in the hot water, with the jets on, and listen to the night traffic outside of my room. I may not know why it is big enough for four, but I sure would like one at home. The tub is bliss. Once done, I ring down and ask if the dining room is still open. I'm told for the next three hours. I pull on a pair of comfortable jeans, and a light sweater, before going down to the dining hall. It isn't packed, but everyone who is ...
    ... there, is with someone. I'm the odd man out, it seems. As I'm looking over the menu, which is huge, and everything sounding perfect, someone steps up to my table. I think it is the waiter, to take my order. “Excuse me Miss, but I notice you were here alone and I am as well. I thought maybe we could dine together, if you don't mind some company.” It is the accent that surprises me first, a thick English accent. Moving my menu aside, I look at none other than Steven Matthew. I'm almost speechless, I am not sure what to say. The longer I stay quiet, the harder it is to answer. I feel like a space case. “Please! Oh yes, you can join me,” I finally manage to get out. “Please forgive me. I'm just so surprised to see you. I'm actually in town to see you speak tomorrow. I had no idea you were here at this hotel.” Smiling, he laughs, “well, here I am. The only other hotel around here is not nearly as nice as this one and is closer to the bookstore I'm reading at tomorrow. I had no idea I had the interest of such young readers. This pleases me.” The way he says this, sends prickles up through my body. His intense stare sets a blaze into my belly. I also get an up close and personal view of this blue eyes, which are in fact truly real. I've never seen eyes so blue. He is handsome all around, I have to admit to myself. “I'm not that young. Though I did start reading your books back when I was in college. A professor of mine introduced me to your work. I haven't looked back since.” At this ...