long night in Vegas
Date: 2/13/2016, Categories: True Story Male / Older Female, massage, Wife Author: Justise
... am not sure I can accept this massage I don’t have any cash and not sure what is expected I have never had a massage in a hotel before,” laughing she added, “in fact I have never had a massage from anyone except my husband.” Jeremy reached up and took her by the hand, “ Mam this is not a problem we have been instructed that the price is set and taken care of through the booking service, we are to treat you as a special VIP who is to be handled with complete discretion , what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,” “Well,” Jay quipped, “I am not worried about Vegas it’s my husband I am concerned about.” Juan, offered “Really mam your husband was quite clear that we were to fulfill all your request and ask no questions he wants you to have a nice massage and a memorable time. That’s why he sent two of us so you would be comfortable and have a choice, we can both stay or you can choose one of us and the other will not be offended. You have a two hour appointment so when you are ready let us know what you would like.” Jay held up a finger meaning one minute walked over to the table and downed her glass of wine and poured her third. As she turned she made her choice both, 4 hands have got to be better than two. She asked, “Do you have a massage table or do I lie on the bed?” Juan said “we have a table but if you like the bed better we can work with either one.” Fearing the bed would get out of hand Jay said, “I like the Table.” Jeremy headed for the hall to retrieve the massage table ...
... while Juan moved a chair to make room for it. As Jeremy lay the towels out with all the tools and oils he asked her if she would like for them to step into the hall while she disrobed. Jay had assumed she would have to be almost naked if not completely so but had not even considered how or where to begin, Jay was never a shy one just laughed and said “you are too sweet just turn around a minute and I’ll be ready in a flash. As she lifted the night gown over her head she thought whew glad I shaved my legs as she lay the gown on the chair and adjusted her new lacy underwear she caught the guys looking at the mirror image and realized why they asked to step out it was impossible to be discreet in this suite with mirrors on every wall. She paused and just blushed as she released her 44 d tits into the mirror and watched as Jeremy licked his lips as Juan elbowed him in the ribs. The table was adjusted for Jeremy’s height so she had to climb up to get in position. Juan offered a towel to cover her bottom and suggested they remove her beautiful undies to make sure they didn’t get stained with the massage oil. Jay lifted up to let Jeremy help her off with the undies as she blushed into the face hole in the table. It took a couple more adjustments to get comfortable on the table lifting and shifting to get her breast in the right position. She had let her hair down while preparing for her husband’s arrival and it now hung over her head and the front of the table completely revealing her ...