long night in Vegas
Date: 2/13/2016, Categories: True Story Male / Older Female, massage, Wife Author: Justise
... the restroom tried to call you left a message thought you had arranged by the text and tried to send them way that’s when Jeremy took my hand called me mam she grinned, said they were already well paid for a two hour massage experience that you had been specific that they do all that I asked to give me a night to remember. I gulped some more wine got comfortable on the table and they gave me a very complete massage, when it got erotic I went to the restroom again when I returned they had made themselves comfortable on the bed you were still unavailable I was fully drunk and decided to enjoy the attention they finished the massage. I only did what I thought you expected by the arrangements you made I am so confused I don’t know if I should be thrilled over the once in a lifetime Vegas night or crushed I cheated on my husband with three men in one night?? “Well I tell you what lets pack up and move to a different room and let our nerves settle a bit the hotel was a culprit in most of what happened and I am just having a hard time fathoming how this all unfolded after we get resettled I will tell you what we think happened and we have a video from security that should shed some light on the matter I will let you go shopping while I watch the video and we can talk over a late lunch does that sound fair?” He groused. Jay immediately wondered what could possibly be on a video that could help her help him understand her total confusion that caused her to act out the way she had ...
... wine or no wine she was certain he was going to be disappointed and the trip was almost certainly a lost cause but all she could do was reluctantly agree to his plan. Jay said “lets meet at steak and shake at 1:00 pm then ok?” he nodded his assent and went to the closet and started loading their things on the Cart he had ordered with the breakfast trey. Jay took a shower and felt the sting of her wild night her skin had been stretched and rubbed raw during all her activity she decided to medicate and ignore it no matter what if she could get him in bed a good role in the hey was what they both needed to put last night firmly behind them once and for all. When she got out she found the room barren except for her new bra and panties neatly placed upon the bed next to her denim skirt and blouse. Her comfortable shoes and girdle were on the dresser with a note Presidential suite 22 second floor key at concierge if you need anything else, an envelope with 2000 cash was by the note. She dressed and slipped out to the elevator rode to the bottom floor and requested a key from the desk and called a cab. While she shopped at the Vegas strip her stomach was in knots fearful of what would be on the video and what he would think after seeing the night unfold in shadows and time lapses how long they were in the room what all did she do, She finally gave up shopping in circles and went to the bar ordering a large margarita with a double shot! The room was impressive the video equipment state ...