1. Under The Covers With My s****r

    Date: 8/28/2015, Categories: First Time Hardcore Taboo Author: xXSecondCitySaintXx, Source: xHamster

    My name is Trevor and I am seven teen years old. My s****r Katie who is six teen got her looks from our mom, Blonde hair, blue eyes and a pretty face has been a big part of my life since I can remember and even though I love her dearly sometimes she can be a pain in my ass. Our parents are both full time overnight workers so that leaves me at home with Katie instead of our hanging with my friends. For some reason she seems to have an unlimited amount of energy running around the house, up and down the stairs even at night when she is supposed to be tired. One night as soon as our parents left Katie came running down the stairs from her bedroom wearing her pink pajama pants, pink socks and a shirt that was about three sizes to big for her mostly because it was one of mine that one day she decided to take. She jumped onto the couch next to me staring at me with a smirk "So what we gonna do tonight?" she asked. "Oh!" she jumped "Lets play a game". She got up grabbing a game from the closet and set it on the floor in front of the couch where she quickly sat and set it up. I slid off the couch sitting on the other side of her where we played and of course I started to beat her. "Your cheating!" she laughed "I don't even think there's a way you can cheat in this game" I joked. "If you keep cheating I'm gonna beat you up" she laughed as I just shook my head "Bring it on". "Oh yeah" Katie said quickly leaping over the board game and jumping on me. She laughed as we rolled around ...
    ... where she mostly tried to tickle me but of course I ended up rolling her over tickling her stomach as she laughed and twitched on the floor. I lifted my head to look at her when I noticed that from all the moving around her shirt had come up enough to where one of her breast with a small pink nipple was exposed. "I think I win" I said embarrassed pointing to her breast as Katie quickly noticed it and pulled down her shirt. Her cheeks turned red "Pervert" she laughed "I still win" she said as we sat out of breath "What do you wanna do now?" I asked as she hopped up "I'll pick a movie" she said. She came back into the living room with a horror movie handing it to me as I looked at her "I don't think you should be watching this?" I said as Katie quickly begged "Oh come on, please". I agreed as she quickly put it in and hopped on the couch but not before turning the lights off. We watched the movie as I thought to myself it was only a matter of time until she told me to turn it off because she had not done well with horror movies before. Suddenly a scene started where two people were having sex "Gross" Katie laughed staring at the screen "Is that that my boob looked like?" she asked pointing towards the screen. "Yup" I said smirking as she smacked my leg "Butthead". When the movie finished Katie and I decided to go to bed. I said goodnight to her and then made my way to my room stripping down to my boxers and climbed into bed. I turned on my T.V and flipped threw channels until I ...