Dilemma 5
Date: 2/9/2016,
True Story
Cum Swallowing
Oral Sex
Author: ohbegentle
Hi again....another day.. . I have had some interesting comments from my readers, room for thought indeed, and appreciated the fact that they understood that there is a process in place. They are aware that many scenarios are possible, and that my actions will determine where my life heads. I have that strange feeling that Mr Penis, has too much influence, female readers would agree I'm sure. I try and be logical, and weigh up positives and negatives. I am weak I decide, because I admire and love sexy women, I like their company, respect them and really know how to satisfy them sexually. I don't really want to choose. Do I want to end it with Krystal - NO. Do I want to end my little dalliances with Tracey - NO. Bastard - YES. Dilemma . The next day I slept in, as I didn't have to work until the afternoon. Krystal had already gone to work when I awoke at 0930, I just lay there, thinking of my dilemma. I had a beautiful, but moody partner, and a work colleague that knew how to push my buttons. Being more introverted than extroverted in manner, I do not like confrontation, so the thought of asking or telling Tracey to ease off, or stop our naughty encounters, made me feel apprehensive and nauseous. I again run images through my mind of recent sexual encounters with Krystal. As I said when in the mood the sex is great, but that doesn't happen very often - and I am usually the instigator. The knock backs are frequent, but there is more to life than fucking, isn't there ? ...
... What happens at work, stays there - right ! I hope so. Tracey is a great colleague, we have much in common, she is good to chat with, sexy, and such a tease, she really knows how to press my buttons. It's not as if a fucked her, a passionate kiss, a fondle, a bit of a wank - just a little play. I decide to get up and go to work, time is moving on. I will play it by ear should I bump into Tracey. As I drive , I feel an increase anxiety, hmmm, I hope this afternoon will not cause me any problems. On arrival to work, it's the usual handover, the allocation of routine jobs and treatment expectations for each client. No sign of Tracey, maybe for the better I thought, I went about my routines. We have 3 wards in close proximity, perhaps Tracey was working in one of the other wards. Strange, I have an eagerness to lay my eyes on her, and was disappointed she was not anywhere to be seen. Half way through my shift, I received a phone call - it was Tracey, my heart skipped a beat. She indicated, she was in one of the wards nearby, could I find some time to meet up. I said I had an half hour break coming up, I'd like that. Tracey told me they were closing 4 beds, and she had the responsibility to ensure this was done, having already discharged the 4 clients. Tracey gave me instructions to where she was in her ward, for us to meet in 10 minutes. I wasn't sure this was a good idea, but had agreed. Mr Penis was sure it was a good idea, remembering yesterdays little jaunt as he stirred in ...