1. Made To Order

    Date: 8/28/2015, Categories: Love Stories, Author: prettygirl36, Source: LushStories

    ... just be quiet and eat? You should be thanking me that I'm permitting you to live in the first place." I took out the bread and began slapping pieces of meat on it. I made my sandwich and took a bite. With a mouth full of food, I asked, "You got anything to drink?" He opened the refrigerator again and threw me a can of diet soda. "Diet?" I asked. "Drink it or die of thirst." I opened the can and took a gulp. I finished my lunch. He waited patiently. As soon as I took the last bite, he grabbed my plate and placed it in the sink. He pointed to a chair in the living room. "Sit down." "I like to stand." "It wasn't a request." I sighed, walked over and sat. He took a rope out of the kitchen drawer and walked over. I jumped up. "Oh no. You are not tying me up." "I need to go out and you need to stay here." "No, you need to let me go so I can get back to work. You know what a job is, don't you, or is this what you do for a living?" "You don't need to worry about what I do. All you need to worry is about staying alive." He took my hand and led me to the window. "See that car out there?" I nodded "Well, they are after me and anyone associated with me." I was too exhausted to get upset. "Great, so that means..." I plopped down in the chair. He took out the rope. "You know you don't have to do that. I'm not going anywhere." I heard him snicker and he smiled. "I wasn't trying to be funny." I didn't realize that he was tying me to the chair as the conversation was continuing. He ...
    ... finished and walked to the door. "Wait a minute. What if I have to go to the bathroom?" "Cross your legs." He walked out and locked the door behind him. I sat there for what seemed like hours and began to think. It was the only thing I could do since I was tied up. His face was embedded in my mind, especially his eyes. I knew I had seen him before. The deli? No. On the street? I didn't think so, and then it finally dawned on me. He was a customer that came in the store I worked at. I thought more about the snicker and smile he gave me earlier. I remembered him, and I knew now he took me for a reason. I waited for him to walk through the door so I could reveal what I knew. I was far from being afraid. I was annoyed more than anything. He finally walked in and smiled at me. I glared at him as he walked over and untied me. I sat there motionless. "I thought you might have to go." He nodded towards the bathroom. "You were in the store last week," I blurted out. "I'm in a lot of stores." "Cut the crap. You know what I mean." He ignored me and pulled me up. "Hey, what are you doing?" He pushed me toward the bathroom. "Do your business and we'll talk." I stood there for a minute. I was dying. I had to go. But I didn't like being told what to do. He placed his hands on my shoulders and whispered, "Go, or I will talk about everything water related." That was all I needed to hear as I hurried inside and slammed the door. "Make sure you wash your hands," I heard him call from behind it. I ...