Naked Quidditch Match pt 3
Date: 2/5/2016,
Dark Fantasy
Author: Dillan1, Source:
... Your Beloved Fan Club Potter! What do you THINK you're doing?! I want to see you immediately after class today! - McGonagall To: Harry Potter From:Snuffles CC: Moony Re: Re: Re: My Beloved Fan Club 6.23 inches? Are you kidding me? And you're worried about WHAT again? To: Padfoot From:Moony CC: Harry Potter Re: Re: Re: Re: My Beloved Fan Club Padfoot... Please, stop trying to help. Thanks. - Moony To: My Most Hated Enemy From:Lord Voldemort Re: Your Mmail How did you get my Mmail address, Potter? That aside, I would rather see you dead than ever ally with you. Either you are my minion or my enemy. L.V. To: Ginny Weasley From:Harry Potter Re: Fan Clubs Ginny, How COULD you? You know how I feel about celebrity. I didn't ask to be famous or want to be! I just want a normal life. I won't authorize a fan club. BUT, before you go ballistic and vengeful, how about a compromise. It's been pointed out to me that if I have to go down in flames, let them be flames of glory. I will agree to a calendar publication as long as a) They are professionally taken photographs b) I have final approval; and c) 25 of sales goes to a charity of my choice. Agreed? Meet me tonight in the common room to discuss further. Harry To: HP Fanclub, Hermione Granger From: Ginny Re: The Calendar Hold onto your hats, ladies. While we will not be an official fan club, Harry has agreed (with terms) to the production of the calendar. That's right. We're getting our naked Harry after all. All 6.23 in. of him. (And ...
... as Lavender pointed out, that's an unexcited 6.23 in.!) I met with Harry earlier this evening and we worked out some details. The photographer will be arranged by Harry and paid for by Harry. Harry is asking that a 25 percent cut go to the St. Mungos Victims Unit. I think that very reasonable. He is also going to arrange to undercut production charges and legal fees for marketing. Is this man a prince or what? - Ginny To: Oliver Wood From:Harry Potter Re: A Wild Little Idea Listen, Oliver, this may sound nutters, but... I've got a plan. Since the calendar can't be stopped, I'm making it into a charity thing. And, I'm arranging for professional photos. What's this got to do with you? This. You're being mobbed by YOUR fans, right? While I won't pose WITH you, if you're gutsy enough to do this we can increase revenues (which are going to St. Mungos Victims Unit) and make us look less like victims, and more like celebrities in control of the situation. What do you think? - Harry To: Harry Potter From:Oliver Wood Re: Your Wild Little Idea You're completely stark raving nutters. You know that, right? That said, it's a ruddy brilliant plan. My dignity is gone, so why not make the descent into madness look planned. I'm in. And, taking a wild guess at what you're going at, I've sent feelers out to other 'young studs' of the Quidditch Leagues. Krum's in too, if you're interested. - Ollie "The Bigger Staff" To: Oliver Wood From:Harry Potter CC: Viktor Krum Re: The Calendar Gentlemen: ...