1. Confessions of a Small Town Girl- Final Chapter

    Date: 8/11/2015, Categories: Straight Sex, Author: alliet14, Source: LushStories

    Shortly after returning from camp, I started my senior year in high school. This was supposed to be the best year of my life, so everyone told me, but I could not imagine it topping my Junior and sophomore years. Over the past two years I had transformed from a sweet innocent young girl to now, for lack of a better term, a nymphomaniac. Over the past two years, I had learned to love sex in all aspects. I loved giving and receiving oral from both guys and girls, and I had been fucked by two guys and loved every minute of it. So I could not imagine, what could be better. Being a senior had its advantages. I loved how the underclassman guys would drool over Lauren and me when we walked down the hall, twisting our butts. I had changed from the first day I walked into my high school from the private school that I had previously attended. I no longer wore only dresses or skirts. I had added jeans and shorts to my wardrobe, and my shirts were now a little tighter. My parents still would not let me go to the extent of the other girls, but I didn’t complain. Over the Labor Day week end of my senior year, Lauren and I took a trip to Savannah. It was just she and I, and my parents were not real happy about it but figured it was time to let me spread my wings a bit. We spent the night in a motel near River Street. We had a fun night and some of the bouncers even let us in a couple bars, although we couldn’t drink. Both of us were hit on a lot, but we both would just smile and politely ...
    ... refuse. The next day we did some shopping and I got my belly button pierced. Spring turned into autumn, and then came winter, and although I was having fun, I was still waiting for the excitement of my senior year to begin. Things began to start looking up the afternoon I drove by the gym and saw Josh’s truck sitting in the parking lot. Having nothing better to do, I made a U-turn and went back. When I got out of the car, I saw him walking out. As he approached his truck, he spotted me and stopped. He immediately got this nervous look on his face. We talked for a few minutes, and his demeanor never changed. The whole time we were talking he was looking around, almost like he was embarrassed to be seen with me. After a short chat he got into his truck and left. As I watched him drive away I still did not understand why he acted so strange. I got into my car and went home. Then next morning, I packed my gym clothes into the car and went to school. I had always worked out before school, but now that I knew he was working out in the afternoon, I was determined to find out what his problem was. Another perk I had during my senior year was my last two classes were electives that I had signed up for to make a full day, so that afternoon, I left school early so I could be at the gym before he arrived. Once I arrived I went into the locker room and changed. One good thing about living in south Georgia is the climate, and even though it was early November, it was still warm enough to ...