I Met Cassie At The Sex Camp
Date: 2/4/2016,
Consensual Sex
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: canadianalien, Source: sexstories.com
A/N: Look, I can write one serious story a year tops before I descend into parody and/or self parody. As always, I didn’t MEAN to be long winded, and I’m open to whatever criticism you’d like to offer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was going to be phenomenally, incredibly, unbearably awkward. Oh sure, it sounded great in theory. Just like every other stupid social idea in human history. Theory worked well because theory is clean. When you put real people into the mix… things get messy. My parents were, if not hippies, then at least hippy-adjacent. They thought with enough love and happiness, we could fix this world. I, on the other hand, am a ruthless pragmatist. I’m also shy, so I prefer to do the whole love thing from a nice safe distance. Or, failing that, I like to do it secretly. Which is to say, despite having hippy-adjacent parents who’d be more than happy if I was going around having sex all the time, I’m done my junior year of high school, and still a virgin. I’m not bitter about it, I don’t hate women or think they’re bitches for not sleeping with me. I’ve never failed to reach any goal I’ve set my mind to. Losing my virginity just never made it high enough on my priority list to become a goal. But I do like to keep my parents happy, and my parents thought it was weird that I wasn’t having sex. So when they told me about this hippy sex camp thing, I wearily accepted the ...
... offer. I know, I know. I’m a teenage boy. I’m supposed to jump at an offer like this. But seriously, have you ever given any thought to just how awkward it would be? I mean just think for a second about what type of people go to a camp to lose their virginity. Sorry for the image. * * * The bus to camp contained more nervousness than I’ve ever seen in one place. It was so thick I expected it to condense out of the air as some sort of exotic, hitherto unknown liquid. To be on this bus, you needed to have a) parents who were totally cool with you having sex, and b) never had sex. If I had dice, I could have ran a D&D game. If I had a gun, I would have hijacked the bus and brought us to a sci-fi convention. I’d have been roundly thanked. We were all nerds, geeks, and losers. No one made eye contact. It was an utterly silent forty-five minutes, punctuated only by coughing. I wonder what the bus driver was thinking. I wonder if he’d have to get drunk to forget about us. The funny thing was, we’d all agreed to this. We’d all read though quite a few forms, and given our consent, and went through interviews to make sure we weren’t violent psychopaths, and stated our preferred gender and all that jazz. People think that parents like ours don’t have many expectations of their kids. They’re wrong, they’re just expectations that most people wouldn’t even notice. It makes falling short of those expectations even harder. I mean, do you know how much of a loser you feel like when you don’t do ...