Dilemma 7
Date: 2/1/2016,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: ohbegentle
... what Tracey had said about me. Mary kept me intrigued, but was evasive as women can be. The more time I spent with her, the more the more attractive she appeared to me, slight movements of her body, mannerisms, sparkling eyes and as I said killer smile. Mary had the habit of when talking to you, she would touch you on the hand or arm, her ebony skin so smooth. I asked her how close she was to Tracey, she said Tracey was her best friend, and they look out for each other, and share most things. Well that made me think, usually best buddies- especially females tend to tell all, or so I am told. So there was a strong possibility Mary knew of some of Tracey's and my exploits recently. Mary then said, it was time for her to finish up for the day, that she enjoyed our little chat, though she appeared a little sad. Mary said she had some issues at home, then smiled, in fact giggled and blushed, saying I hear you have a good friend that helps people in need, I might have use for him in the future, enjoy the rest of your shift ...byyeeee Mary departed, as I watched her cute swaying waddle, she looked back and waved, aware of my following eyes. Mr Penis was upright and throbbing, panting, sending signals to my brain, follow, follow her now. Can't Mr Penis, I have to go back to work , perhaps a quick visit to the toilet. For Relief. I thought Fuck, what am I doing, another woman,do I go there as well. Fuck. Oh My God ! Krystal. Tracey. Mary. Mr Penis has his own little smile. Right on Bro !