1. Lisa Helps Matt Get Through Rehab - Part 3

    Date: 1/25/2016, Categories: Fantasy Cum Swallowing massage, School Teen Male/Teen Female Author: Uncle Danny

    For the next few weeks, since Matt had adapted to life being more difficult with his cast on, he did everything he used to, but everything just took longer. He made weekly trips to the doctor, who told him that he was healing nicely, and within a month, the cast would come off. He still went to school every day and almost every afternoon he would be on the sidelines of the soccer field, lending support to his teammates, who really needed him back in the game. As far as the rest of his life was concerned, he went to school every day, and almost every afternoon, Lisa took care of everything that he could not do, due to his limited mobility, and by the time he was healed, Lisa thought she could write a book that she would call “How to have sex with your boyfriend when he has a broken leg.” Matt told his doctor that he had tried to relieve his pain in a jacuzzi, without going into more detail, and now, that was off limits, per doctor’s orders. During the final week with his cast, Matt was quite anxious to resume his normal life. Although he knew he would still have to be careful, he would once again be walking, and not be limited in his movements. As usual, he went to school with Lisa, but it was Matt’s Mom who took him to the doctor the final afternoon to get the cast off. When they got home, Matt could not believe how much better he felt. He was free to move more easily again. The family sat down for dinner, and Matt got to bed early. All of the activity had him exhausted. ...
    ... Although he tried to sleep, the anxiety related to getting the cast off, combined with thoughts about his school work and being able to play soccer again, had him up almost all night. What really kept Matt awake though, was the idea that sex with Lisa would be normal again, and since it had been a few weeks where it had been quite awkward, he couldn’t wait to tear her clothes off, and fuck her with reckless abandon. As usual, Matt’s Dad worked long hours in the law office that he managed. The day after he got his cast off, Matt’s Mom also stayed late at work to make up for the hours that she missed the day before, when she took Matt to the doctor. That morning when he got to school, Matt greeted all of his soccer buddies, who were almost as excited as he was that his cast was off. Soon, he would be able to start playing a few minutes per game for the first day or two, and then gradually increase his participation over the next few weeks. Matt then walked over to Lisa’s locker, and although this came as no surprise, she looked more beautiful than ever. Matt gazed into Lisa’s beautiful blue eyes as he ran his fingers through her long blond hair. They kissed passionately – until they remembered that they were at school, and there were hundreds of other kids walking right past them. Right then, though, it didn’t matter. Lisa was dressed in a pretty pink t-shirt and shorts that were probably too short for school, but she knew she had an amazing body, and loved to show it off. Able now ...