1. Majestic III

    Date: 1/25/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Extreme, Hardcore Young Author: Me4Lgs

    ... blonde bucked, her big tits rubbed against Betsy's thighs and her finger crawled back inside of her baby pussy. "This is nice! I don't care what anyone says! I like this!!" Chapter Six Without watching where it fell, Betsy dropped her dress and stood dressed in nothing but her tight blue panties. The lovely girl stared at her reflection in the full length mirror that stood in the dingy, crowded dressing room of the Majestic Theater. Betsy wasn't certain how she felt about what she saw. The slim twelve-year-old stared at the firm but terribly small globes of her breasts and sighed unhappily. Compared to Grace's large, smooth breasts, hers were pimples! Oooohhhhh, you shouldn't have done that Betsy told herself but it was already too late. The lovely little girl tried not to think about the older woman, but no matter how hard she tried a small, secret smile began to tug at the corners of her mouth. You know how it makes you feel when you think about her, a little voice whispered in her ear. But Betsy ignored the whisper and a soft, dreamy look crept into her large dark eyes. She felt a funny, soft feeling in her belly and rubbed her open palm over the firm outline of her little pussy. Far in the back of her mind, Betsy Morrison knew that what she'd been doing for the past three days was nasty and perverted, but the memory of how Grace's firm, slick tongue could make her gasp and squeal for what felt like hours at a time was so strong that Betsy knew that she couldn't stop ...
    ... seeing her. Since that first night that they'd spent together Grace had been with her or on her mind every second. Julia hadn't minded. She was so wrapped up with Mr. Henry that she didn't notice that Betsy was never home. The pretty little girl giggled happily when she remembered how she'd managed to evade Rick and Mr. Simpson. Each time that either man tried to corner her and talk to her, Grace would manage to show up and cramp their styles! Ohhhh, it felt nice to squeeze and play with her moistening pussy. Lazily Betsy watched her fingers press and wiggle against the silky material of her panties. Grace had taught her to do this, she'd always felt sort of funny and embarrassed when she masturbated before, but the older woman showed her how nice it was. Grace even showed Betsy how she played with her hairy nest when there was no one else around. Betsy saw a dark spot growing at the front of her panties and it made her feel warm and melty inside when she realized that it was her own love juice squirting out of her tight vagina and oiling the tender membranes of her vulva. It was so early. Betsy felt funny being at work at ten in the morning but this was her first chance to work the film club and she didn't want to pass up the extra twenty dollars that Newton Simpson promised her for working it. Kathy was already dressed and downstairs so reluctantly the smiling little girl stopped touching and squeezing her tingling sex and slipped into the form-fitting uniform. Betsy was down ...