1. Kate #5

    Date: 1/25/2016, Categories: Group Sex Author: xhardx13, Source: LushStories

    ... yacht, "The Glory" was moored nearby and it was a glorious ship. A polite older man helped her board the yacht and once on board she asked, "Where is Tyton?" "Ma'am, he will not be sailing with us on this trip, but said he would see you in Paris. Oh, and my name is James." "Thank you, James." "Let me show you to your cabin. Make yourself comfortable. Everything you will need is there. If not, feel free to ask me for anything." "Thanks, James," and they went below deck to a cabin that had the look of the Taj Mahal. It was huge with a king size round bed that she later found out rotated, a bathroom, a flat screen TV and even a mirror on the ceiling. The closet was filled with clothes for just about every occasion. The dresser was stocked with lingerie, bikinis and a variety of sex toys. How considerate. Tyton had thought of everything. Kate went above to look around and could see a crew of three in addition to James. "Is everything alright, Mam?" he asked. "It's fantastic, James." "Can I get you something before we set sail?" "Yes, maybe a cup of tea or espresso if you have it." "I'll have the chef bring a cup of espresso right up, Ma'am." "Goodness, even a chef," Kate mused. She was fascinated watching the crew prepare the ship for sailing. Even more exciting was looking at the young buff lads in brief bikinis as they worked. The sails were set and just as her espresso and biscuits were served, they were sailing out of the harbor and headed for France . Kate didn't even care ...
    ... where they would eventually dock and just enjoyed the moment. It was her first trip to Europe and her excitement was beyond even her wildest imagination. This was indeed a real life fairy tale. James kept to himself until he said, "Ma'am," dinner will be served at six. It is informal and you are welcome to wear a bikini if you wish." "Thank you, James," After her mid-afternoon snack, she headed back to the cabin to change. She found a fuchsia colored piece that fit perfectly. It left most of her breasts exposed, barely covering her nipples, while the bottom left her ass naked with a tiny patch to cover her pussy. Back upstairs she basked in the warm afternoon sun until dinner. Dinner was salmon en croûte with pesto and roasted vegetables. It was, of course, delicious. When the sun had dipped below the horizon, Kate felt chilled and found a light sweater to put over her bikini. As she reflected on the day, she only regretted that she was alone. Shortly after sunrise, Jessie went topside when James asked, "Ma'am, what would you care to have for breakfast this morning?" She wanted to say, "I'll have that Jamaican stud with the big bulge between his legs," but instead said, "Something light." "Fine and would you like an espresso with that?" "Perfect, James. Thanks." Again breakfast was perfect. Before finishing, James said, "Today the winds will be light and steady so we are on course and on time." "When do you expect us to arrive?" she asked. "We should dock at eight PM . One ...