1. Helping a Friend

    Date: 1/22/2016, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: taylorsam, Source: LushStories

    ... experienced an orgasm during intercourse.” “What are you asking me Mandy?” I said still puzzled but starting to see where she was going. “Taylor, it’s a stupid idea just forget it.” I was getting a little mad, “just tell me.” “I want to have sex again. Hell I want to fuck, really fuck and cum with a dick in me.” She said with a tear in her eye. “I want to borrow your husband okay, I will pay you.” Mandy put her head in her hands and started to cry. I sat there silent with a dumbfounded look on my face. I couldn’t believe that my friend was asked to pay me to let my husband fuck her. It certainly wasn’t the craziest thing we had done in the past couple of years but there was my rule about work and our “lifestyle”. Mandy trying to pull herself together saying, “Oh God forget it, I shouldn’t have said anything.” I hated seeing her that so tormented. Grabbing her hand I said, “Are you sure you want to do this? What would Rod think?” “Oh you must think I’m horrible to want to have sex with another man, I still love Rob but I just want to have sex, no I want to fuck. I know it’s a bad idea.” She said. “I know it would be cheating but damn he has no interest in sex.” I was very conflicted, I knew that feeling well that sometimes you just want to fuck not make love. I felt myself weakening as I asked her what she had in mind. “Oh my gosh, I really don’t know; I’ve never done anything like that, how much would you want.” “Mandy, I’m not taking your money and I’m not saying yes. Sam ...
    ... would have to agree but the big thing is you can never tell anyone.” I said Mandy said, “Oh shit, I’m not messing up my marriage; I’m not telling anyone. Are you really going to do this for me?” “I will talk with Sam and let you know. If we do this there are going to be strict ground rules.” “I will do whatever you guys say.” Mandy said hopefully. When I got home I told Sam what Mandy had said and what she was proposing. To my surprise Sam was not that happy that I somewhat agreed. I gave him her sad story that she hadn’t had sex in 5 years and that she had never came from fucking. I also told him that Rod has a small dick. I seemed to get a better reaction when I told him that Mandy had lost a lot of weight but still had her big tits. The bulge I found in his pants told me he was interested. Sam told me that he would do it but it would cost me, I snapped back “I’m bringing my friend over for you to fuck and its costing me?” I said with a sarcastic tone. Sam laughed saying “I see your point.” That next Monday Mandy was quick to come by my desk. She didn’t say anything but gave me that “well” look. I motioned her over close, “He said yes, how about Saturday?” “Really, that soon? Yeah of course, what should I do?” Mandy stammered. “You can tell Rod that you and I are going to do some shopping and then have dinner. Let’s say about 5 so you can have all the time you need and Rod won’t think anything about it.” I suggested. Mandy thought it was a great idea and seemed nervous but ...