Neighborhood Mom, Part I
Date: 1/20/2016,
True Story
Author: luvsumcameltoe
... drinking in every visual detail I could see. She was asleep I thought. She hadn't moved. Her head was turned slightly sideways away, and while I couldn't see her eyes clearly, I thought they were closed. I would go back. I would get a better view. I walked quietly back to her window, but standing to the side just in case she was awake. I carefully leaned slightly to get one eye viewing close to the window where the glare would be lessened. She was stark naked. Asleep on her back. My heart raced. I carefully repositioned to look through clearly with both eyes and touched my hard cock through my jeans. So sensitive, it jumped when I touched it. For a minute I watched her before unzipping my pants. I'd better be careful - I had no idea where K was. Just as I eased my cock free of my jeans, suddenly C began to stir on the bed. I ducked nervously, trying to shove my cock back into my pants. After a few moments, I got my nerve back and eased my head back up, ever so carefully. She had shifted, but it looked like she was still asleep. Her shift was one leg (both of which had previously been straight on the bed) - as if she'd bent one knee, keeping her foot flat on the bed, and then fallen back to sleep, allowing the knee to fall sideways - and giving me an uninhibited view of her crotch. But she'd also moved her head and now if she opened her eyes, she'd be looking right at me. Risky. Very risky. But her pussy was exposed. I had to. I brought my cock back out and pumped it hard, ...
... my abdomen convulsing as I exploded, squirting all over the siding of the house - all the while never taking my eyes off her. I pumped out the remaining drops of cum, and uncomfortably stuffed my cock back in my jeans. Ducking to head back to the mower, I suddenly realized...her bedroom door was wide open. For a few more minutes, I fiddled with the mower while my mind spun. Should I not start the mower yet? That would definitely wake her, I thought. I could go inside to get a drink...the bathroom was at the end of that hall where her bedroom door was...I could just innocently be going to the bathroom and pass her door...and there would be no window between us. That seemed the thing to do. What would I do then? I didn't know...I didn't even think about just seemed even more erotic to be in the same room with her naked. I headed back to the back yard to go in through the kitchen sliding door - that wouldn't make any noise. As I passed by her window I strained to see. Abort mission! She was up. Still naked, door still open, back to the window. I turned and headed back toward the mower. The game was over, might as well mow. I mowed the front yard, and then dragged the mower back through the gate. Again, I couldn't resist having a glance. Of course it would be pointless now, because now awake, surely she was dressed. My quick glance told me otherwise. I couldn't stop to see, but she was still naked, digging in her closet, and the door was still open. I wandered around ...