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    Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Group Sex Hardcore Author: bbwlover1138, Source: xHamster

    ... face, so I motioned for them to switch and they complied. Lindsay's ass and puss were even better than Taylor's. Easily the best pussy I've ever had. Her asshole was actually gaping as I was tongue fucking it so fiercely. Even with my tongue way up there, it still tasted good -- musty phernome smell. I wanted to blow my load in one of these gals, so I scooted out from under Lindsay -- my load about to explode. And I made a move to mount Lindsay, but she said &#034sorry hun, no baby batter in this vagina!&#034 But she gave me a great hand job and I shot jism clear up to my chest as I exploded. They giggled. Then we all took a shower together and then went upstairs to get d***k and eat like royalty. My friend's f****y gave each other smiles and smirks as if to imply I was a lady's man. lol Lindsay and Taylor stayed until like midnight. They even went topless in the hot tub -- which encouraged a couple of the other women in the group to do the same. I still think about that time. Can't wait to go back to OBX!