The Reality of it All (revised and reposted)
Date: 1/15/2016, Categories: Fiction Anal Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Male/Female Male/Teen Female Author: str8tohell, Source: sexstories.com
I had to edit the story because it was deleted due to the age of a character (17 yrs old ????) yeah stupid but what the fuck ever. Here it is again and everyone in the story is at least 18 even though the state that the story is based in has an age of consent at 16. Comments are welcome. Preface: What thoughts, wants and needs are inside any person and what makes them suppress certain desires. Is it morality which determines self control and where does this morality come from. There are things ingrained within us (be it good, bad or whatever) that are not taught rather it is instinct. Take away either the concern and/or eyes of society given certain situations then what would you do, want to do or need to do under the circumstances. The Reality of it All. By:str8tohell Chapter 1: (Silent chaos) I am not sure what lead to it all, the cause, causes or even the full extent of the situation. It is a huge world so it is unfathomable to think I could be the only one. I was bombarding myself with questions while I began to realize the full extent and potential of this revelation given what remained around me or rather what didn't remain around me like How did I survive. Where is everyone. What will I do. What can I do. Will I be gone as well. Am I gone and don't realize it. Are there others in my situation................. The questions could go on and on until one is driven into madness, the situation itself may in fact lead to pure insanity. My head was beginning to ache from it ...
... all, I had to calm down and try to think rationally in an irrational situation. I desperately tried to remember the snippets of various memories that popped into my head, the visions I viewed in my mind’s eye. The last remnants of memory was my illness, at least I think I remember being sick. I had trouble even reflecting upon anything prior to this point in time like my entire life and all the things, events and memories of such. I somehow knew I retained those memories and I would sort them out later but right now I had to reconstruct the more recent yet latent memories and collate them. The visions in my head were snap shots of chaos happening around me, like you open your eyes and close them at random times then only remember a brief vision along with a sound bite for each vision. My head was pounding from the pressure that I put upon myself to remember but I had to make sense of things and as I tried to re-winded my memories back to the beginning, or at least where I thought I needed to start. When I focused I remembered being sick and in bed but I could not remember anything leading to that point. I had a fever, was achy and just generally wanted to sleep, or rest may be a better term. The "sleep or rest" was fitful due, I think, to the fever. I felt I never really fallen asleep. I stayed on the edge and was aware of my surroundings, things I heard and visual snap shots but the time line was not discernible, it could have been this way spread over hours, days or even ...