Allender's Hunt
Date: 1/12/2016,
Consensual Sex
Written by women
Author: blackrandl1958
... and fifty pounds and appeared to be a refugee from the sixties. He had long black hair, tied back in a ponytail and he was very quiet. Allender thought he looked like he was in his late twenties and he was very good looking. His arms were heavy with muscle and his traps were so large he looked like he had no neck. When he shook her hand she felt very small. Since she was nearly six feet tall herself, she was a little unsettled. “Don’t mind Raines,” Peter chuckled. “He ain’t said five hundred words in the three months I’ve known him. He’s a college boy. Played football for the Raiders for a while. He knows the woods though. His daddy was a Ranger around these parts and he knows Big Baldy like the back of his hand.” They ate dinner and Brian and Allender got their first taste of bison. Raines cooked and she went over to ask if she could help him. “No, I’ve got it,” he said. His voice was the lowest bass rumble Allender had ever heard. If a grizzly bear could talk, she thought that was what it would sound like. “You can set the table if you want,” he told her. “Dishes in that cabinet over there. Silverware in the drawer underneath.” She got the table ready and Peter poured a nice red wine. The Bison was delicious and Raines was a good cook. They talked about where they would go and when she mentioned that she wanted to use a bow Raines’ eyes lit up. “Do you bow hunt?” she asked him. He nodded. “What kind of bow you got?” he asked her. “I’m shooting a Bear Motive 6 with a 65 ...
... pound draw weight and Quest Power Punch arrows with 125 grain HellRazor points,” she told him. “I’m learning longbow, but I’m not confident enough to try it yet. I’m making my own bow, but it’s not done yet.” He looked at her for a while. “I’m surprised,” he told her, “impressed too. Most women can’t handle that heavy a draw.” “Well, that’s a change,” Peter laughed. “Raines ain’t easily impressed. You a bow hunter too, Brian?” “No, it’s too much work for me,” Brian laughed. “Well we’ll send those two off to sneak around and we’ll actually kill something,” Peter told Brian. “We’re going to kill something too,” Raines told him. “My clients have taken elk with a bow, Allender. We killed five last season.” Her big blue eyes were shining with excitement. “I want something nice,” she told him. “It doesn’t have to be huge, but I want a nice one. I’ve killed a moose and a black bear with a bow. Brian just wants an elk.” “He’ll get one,” Raines told her. “If he can get Peter to shut up long enough to get close. Peter’s really very good. He could sneak around too but he’s lazy. He always gives me the bow clients.” They made an early night of it and got up at six in the morning. It was still very cold and Allender shivered until she got her cold gear on. They put on lots of layers and by the time they were dressed their cook had breakfast ready. They ate quickly, eager to get going and when they were through, Raines had the horses tied outside. Allender tied her bow on the back of her ...