1. New Life in Rianate 6

    Date: 1/11/2016, Categories: Fiction Male/Teen Female Oral Sex Romance School Written by women Author: Lustful11, Source: sexstories.com

    ... surrounded me. Lilacs made the air so sweet that it was like I’d been spritzed with the lightest and most perfect perfume ever. It reminded me of Nanaya, and how she smelled of a new flower everyday. The middle of the circle gave a great view of the forming barrier of energy that needed one last candle. “Spirit filled with magic and night, whispering soul of my Goddess, friend and stranger, mystery and knowledge”—I just had to describe my mother as my Goddess—“in Layla’s name I call thee here to me!” My candle lit, and I stood very still while the familiar cacophony of all five Elements filled me, body and soul... It was so amazing that I forgot to breathe. Closing my eyes, I heard my mother’s soft tone. I am your Goddess, U-we-tsi-a-ge-ya; I’d never abandon you, or ever leave your soul. Breathe, Bambi. Take in your power. Express your feelings. This is what you are. You are mine; re Jeff’s… But most of all, you are, you are truly… my Goddess. My eyes shot open and I could breathe again. Without knowing it, the branches of those towering oaks had shielded me, like I was to be protected. And I could feel water rushing up my body, like I was in the stream with Dallas. Warmth… protection… I sensed my mother’s delicate touch; her eyes bringing heat and comfort to me. My soul… my body… my mind was light. Nothing was too heavy. Everything was perfect. The night’s breeze was strong, so strong that the leaves were bustling around the circle from the branches. For once, I honestly ...
    ... felt Dallas’s nickname to be more than that. I honestly felt like the Avatar; this was my form of meditation; I was an Airbender, Earthbender, Firebender, Waterbender, and in addition, a Spiritbender. And I felt like Casper. Like nothing could touch me, unless I felt the need. Like I was friendly (but we all knew Casper couldn’t always be that nice), and I had a bit of light in me. The energy was perfect; I even heard a little buzz like a tattoo machine. The Earth candle shot a green light to meet Fire; the Fire shot red to meet Air; Air released a clear to meet Water. And all four of them, all four twirled together, to meet Spirit. But, the Spirit still had something amazing. The entire candle looked like one of those zapping, science lab experiments that cartoons made. (Ya know, creepy old guy has a vial of some weird-colored liquid, it’s zapping and making a little thing of light.) Before I knew it, all of this power was dying down, like when the shower head is trying to pump more hot water, and it turns cold for a bit… then slowly… you get the warm water back. I blinked. The energy was connected to my hands, and I freaked out. I was standing directly behind the Spirit candle, and all of that power—in a little, colorful, powerful, affinity ball—raised to my palms to make me feel amazing. The candle had given me all of the power, but the energy that connected them all still remained. It was barely there… like the little puff I had in the shower. Only this one was real power ...