1. New Life in Rianate 6

    Date: 1/11/2016, Categories: Fiction Male/Teen Female Oral Sex Romance School Written by women Author: Lustful11

    ... in front of a TV screen, blasting on your asses. As a matter of fact, I just bid on George Weah," I giggled as we picked teams. "Speak now or lose your pride," Bull said to Magnus over his shoulder. "Trust me, I've got it," Magnus sighed. We played, and I beat Magnus by one lucky goal. I did a victory jig, which had Magnus challenging me to a game of Advanced Warfare. So, we switched, and this time, Magnus ended up massacring me by 3,000 points on his team. "Grrrr!" I growled. "What was that? I'm sorry, I can't hear you over my winning!" Magnus laughed. "It's alright, kiddo. Maybe you'll learn next time." He winked but I flipped him off and passed off to Bear. About an hour or two after playing box and talking, I saw what time it was; 7:32, and I still had to cast my circle later tonight. And, I had to go read before bed. Shit. Dallas and Magnus were playing GTA, but I wanted to talk with Dallas before I left. I stood up then tapped his shoulder. Leaning into his ear, I whispered, “Can we talk?” He turned to Bull “Aye, take over. I’ll be back,” Dallas said, handing Bull his controller. He grabbed my index finger and led me to the bedroom. Dallas sat me on the bed. “What’s up, Avatar?” I smiled. “Katniss--” I gave him a look but Dallas rolled his eyes--“I wanted one-on-one time before I left.” “Leave? Where ya going, it’s not close to curfew,” he said, cocking his head. “I’m casting a circle tonight. And, I have to read my book before I die wondering what happens to ...
    ... Astrid.” “I… I don’t know who Astrid is. Is that like, a guy you secretly have sex with?” I sighed and cupped his cheeks. “Never, baby. It’s the girl in my book, she thinks she’s a lesbian.” Dallas made a face. “Okay… Uhm, let’s change the subject." “You goof. Well, I'm sorry I can't stay tonight, but tomorrow, I will so take care of you. Maybe even feed you out of my palm.” Dallas hooked his hand under my hair on my neck then pressed me close, so his lips were on my ear. “Can you me from between your legs?” he whispered as he kissed and licked on my earrings. Holy... “Uh, we’ll see. Ya never know, I might just make you beg,” I smiled, biting my lip and relishing in his sexy words. “Hmm, we’ll see.” Dallas pulled away and planted his lips firmly on mine. He deliberately brushed his hand over my chest so one of the buttons on my shirt would come undone. Dallas looked at me with blazing blue eyes—they reminded me of the base of a fire. “Oops, might as well undo the others," he grinned. His hands slowly unbuttoned me, but I didn’t stop him. Dallas gave me a sexy look before saying, “Do you have to go?” “Just a little bit,” I tripped over the words because his warm hands had found my skin. “Okay, but, I want you here tomorrow. After school.” I couldn’t do any more than nod when Dallas kissed up my jaw. He cupped my breasts, caressing and loving on me in a way I’d only experienced with him. If we had time and some privacy I’d jump his bones in two seconds. Dallas kissed the cleft of my ...