New Life in Rianate 6
Date: 1/11/2016,
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Written by women
Author: Lustful11
... giggled, "you're not a dog... Mud puddles are not cool." She sneezed then rapidly shook her body, sending water flying everywhere. I ran her long tail through my fingers a few times, getting all of the dirt and crud off of her small body. After Boing was dried and fresh, I carried her on my hip down to the library. I found Tao scanning some Body Science books, with her pen trapped between her teeth and her fingers rapidly searching through the pages. I seated myself in the puffy red chair, smiled then sat Boing in my lap. "Hey," she said without looking at me. "What's up. You look like a mad woman," I joked. "I broke up with Maz." That was abrupt. I reached over the table, clutching her cold hand and finally getting her eye contact. "You okay? I'm sorry." "It's alright. He was sleeping with that Farrah chick." She gave an exhausted laugh. "I'm just so done with him, ya know? If he wanted to accuse my best friend of something completely stupid, all while he was sleeping with some ugly Pio (sophomore) then fine. My number one question is just why? Why couldn't he have waited until I was in a better place? I just lost my powers, and I'm still recovering from midterms, so, why couldn't he have actually cared?" I softly smiled to try and lighten her up. "I dunno, Tao. But do you know what that means? It means Maz wasn't worth half of what you are, and if he wanted to waste your time, fine. But it is not okay that he wasted your love, because that's something that a million ...
... people would kill for. Now you don't have to worry about being cheated on, you don't have to worry about him going off and never coming back; however, you do still have to worry about your heart and yourself. So, go have fun! Even without your powers, they'll come back, and you will be back to your normal self—but this time Maz-free. Okay?" Tao dropped her face into her hands. "Has anyone ever told you that you give amazing advice?" she sighed. "Eh, once or twice." "Well, he can go get all the ass he wants, but I am gonna take my time to find someone. Maybe even sleep with a few cute guys to start my ignition" I scoffed and laughed as Tao sexily bit her pen. "Good plan. Now, I kind of need to study, too, so. Wanna stop at the cafe and grab something afterwards?" "Absolutely." Tao handed me one textbook and we studied until 5pm then went to grab a bite. As we headed back to the dorms, Tao told me something about her Dad, and how he'd shoot Maz in the head if he ever found out that his baby girl was hurt by some boy. "That sounds a lot like my Dad," I chuckled. "Last night when I told hm about Maz and the accusation, he was probably plotting his way to stab him in the neck." Tao snickered. "Jeff? He'd never do anything like that." "Yeah he would. Maybe I should—" I was cut off by my phone blasting a Steve Aoki song, so I knew it was Bear. "Yes?" I answered. "Hi. Dallas wants you back at his place; we have a surprise for you," he replied. "Oh, what is it?" "Do you not know the ...