New Life in Rianate 6
Date: 1/11/2016,
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Written by women
Author: Lustful11
... participate in such revolting actions." Was she serious? “I’m sorry, but, last time I checked, I don’t really ‘participate in such revolting actions’, Lena. The last time I’ve done something wrong was when I missed curfew, and you forgave me. Lena, I don’t want to come off rude”--yeah I did--“but you’re being assumptious. And I dunno if my Dad knows about this, and I honestly want him here. So, please explain to me why you needed me. Lena coldly shook her head, with an unconvinced expression on. She waved her hand over her desk, uncloaking a dime bag of weed. Oh my shit... I couldn't resist from rising to my feet and yelling, "LENA! THAT IS NOT MINE!" She wasn't buying it. "Sit." I plopped down in the chair and Lena continued, "This is so expected of a brat like Eris. I'm surprised because the student that gave it to me was Maz Leo, and I know you two are good friends. It happens all the time—a Rio turns 18, they want to live the life of an adult. Not a very smart adult." I laughed. During this type of situation I just had to laugh. Maz? Maz was the one to tell Lena? Because I'm damn sure he's the one who’s buzzed all the time, and he's the one who's being a dickface to my best friend. This was one of those things that made me want to beat someone's face into the ground. Wait until Tao heard about this... She loved him, but I wouldn't be able to except that. If this was anything different, I know it wouldn’t be my place to say this, but, he was being an ass to her, and now ...
... an ass to me. But hey, I guess we can blame everything on me, now. World Hunger. War. Global Warming. Apocalypse. Getting stoned with a bunch of idiotic Dark Daughters and Dark Sons. WHY THE FUCK NOT?!! I already had images of my fingers wrapped around his throat while I kicked Lena in the gut for believing him. I gulped down the shitty piece of information I received and said, "Lena… why would I do that?" Her dark eyes seemed to glisten. "No, the question is why wouldn’t you do that. Maz says he saw you at the Rec Hall with a few Sios and Rios, he didn't give me a specific time. He just said late last night. Why, are you going to confront him and be big bad wolf?" I laughed again. "No, Lena; I don't need to coerce him into giving me info… Thank you for being the one person who I no longer trust—not even one bit. This is beyond what I had in mind; I thought you’d yell at me for seeing Dallas after school all the time, or maybe even accuse me of killing some creature. But this is… some next level shit. Honestly. Lena, I’m not gonna spend anymore time doing this; shit or get off the pot. Get off my case unless you got something important, because frankly, I’m tired of being chased in circles by you and your mislead accusations. So what if Maz Leo ratted on himself; it’s not me and I have a hell of a lot of people that could back that up. Fucking part.” I left that office so quick that I didn't give myself time to think. I just ran. Ran to the one person I needed. I stopped at ...