Trailer Park Sara Pt. I
Date: 12/30/2015, Categories: Fiction Cheating Consensual Sex Drug, Hardcore Male / Older Female, Author: Nameless9167
01.27.2015 To the Shameless, Another story from work for your reading pleasure, but first the disclaimer. This story is mostly true. I have embellished it a little bit to make it a little naughtier but this is true at its core. Enjoy!!!! I was 18 years old during the summer of 2004. I was supposed to go into the Air Force right out of high school but I chickened out at the last minute and ended up spending the summer getting high, getting drunk and getting laid. This particular instance that I am going to tell you about is something that I am not particularly proud of but it was still damn sexy. I'm going to tell you the story of how I ended up having sex with a married woman. It all started around July or August of 2004. As I said I was 18 and bored out of my mind so I was aimlessly driving up and down the back roads of the small county that I lived in. "What to do, what to do?" I kept asking myself as I shifted gears in my old Toyota pickup when suddenly I felt my cellphone buzz. It was a text message from my friend's wife Sara. She wanted to know what I was doing. I told her "nothing" and she replied back that maybe I should come over so the two of us could hang out. I texted her back "ok" and I headed that way. It was about a five minute drive to her trailer from where I was so it wasn't long after she texted me that I was there. When I pulled up I thought to myself how glad I was that she didn’t live in a trailer park. I could only imagine the shitstorm that would ...
... accompany all of the nosy neighbors watching me pull up to her house while her husband wasn’t home. Thankfully though, Sara lived in the middle of nowhere, and her only neighbor was her best friend Tiffany and there was still a good bit of space between their trailers. I got out of my truck and I walked up to the door and knocked. I waited about thirty seconds and I knocked again but there was no answer. I knocked a third time and again, still nothing. "John, is that you?" I heard Sara's voice coming from the backyard. "Yeah, it's me! What are you doing?" "I'm tanning. Give me a sec and I will come around," she yelled. "Well, why don't I just come back there?" "You can't! I'm naked!" Oh, I said to myself. Why is she sunbathing naked? She knew that I would be here in less than ten minutes." The thought disappeared from my mind when Sara opened the door. She was clad only in a towel and there was an apologetic look on her face. "Sorry about that. I must've dozed off after I texted you." "That's ok," I said, doing my best to keep my eyes from the very deep cleavage that her beach towel was barely covering. There was a brief pause and the two of us just sort of looked at each other. "Do you want to come in? It's hot as fuck out here and I doubt that you want to strip and tan naked with me in the back." She chuckled loudly and I stepped into the trailer. If only she were serious, I thought to myself. The inside of her home was decent. Sara kept it as clean as she could but with two kids ...