Miss Texas Contestant 2015
Date: 12/26/2015,
Author: horny fox
Sarah McKimmey age 20 never married, University of Texas student and a Miss Texas Contestant. I paid $ 20,000 for votes for Sarah, I would have paid more if needed. Part of the agreement was that Sarah would stay in my guest bedroom at my penthouse. Click, the door opened, revealing a glamorous guest bedroom. It oozes luxury, from the recessed silk carpet to the silk wallpaper. The rest of the penthouse is very voluminous, so the guest bedroom is designed to feel warm and cosy. To her right is a bathroom and to her left a closet, both of which she walked by, entering the main room. The king-sized bed looks small in the large room, with a nightstand on either side and a TV on the wall at the front of the room. In the corner, by a pair of large curtains she assumed led to the balcony, sat a desk. She placed the room key, her purse, and her phone on the desk. She has never been in a penthouse before. She sat her over night bag on the chair and looked to the bed, kicking off her high heels. The comforter is perfectly folded and tucked under the corners of the king bed, fluffy pillows sat at the head. She'd never had a king bed before. Playfully, she jumped onto the bed, enjoying the bounce as the mattress springs handled her weight easily and silently. She laid down on her back, spreading her limbs out to each direction, like a star. Studying the ceiling intently, she let the situation rush over her. Was she really going through with this? The clock read 12:26 in glowing red ...
... numbers. She turned her attention back to the ceiling, mentally reviewing the constant list of responsibilities she held. Biology homework, chemistry review, Spanish paper, prep for her lab courses, talking to that professor for her research study. She sighed, shaking her head to clear it. That wasn't what tonight is about. Sitting up, she went over to her over night bag opening it, rummaging through it quickly. She pulled out a small bag filled with travel-sized bottles, a toothbrush and toothpaste, two razors, and a small poof – her first task, of course. She set the toiletries next to her and dipped her hand in again, pulling out a pair of panties and a night gown, lacy and sheer. She smiles at the lingerie in her hand; the contrast of her pale skin against the bright blue color is beautiful. Peering in the bag, she saw a pair of strappy black high heels sitting on regular clothing. Yes, she knew she packed all this, but seeing it in the luxury bedroom made it more real. Lastly, she pulled out two bottles of nail polish and placed them, too, on the comforter. She stood and begins to pull off her clothing: a pair of tight blue leggings, a baggy tank top, a push up bra, a simple black thong, and her nylons. She gathers her toiletries and polish and walks to the bathroom, placing her over night bag in the closet as she went. Flicking the light as she enters the bathroom, she pauses, taking in her surroundings. The counter of the sink has beautiful fresh flower arrangement, and ...