1. The Sixth Prince - Part 5

    Date: 12/25/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy Alien, Monster, Pregnant, Romance Teen Teen Male/Teen Female Author: linky_fangs

    My apologies for the extreme delay, but here is the next part in the series! It has been a dramatic, life changing year for me, and I would like thank everyone here who has supported and encouraged me along the way. All of the bright messages and comments truly make my day and inspire me to write just for beautiful people like you! Now that I'm recovering, I hope to be back on my feet very soon. Don't lose faith in me, for I promise that I will continue this story until its end! I proudly present to you: The Sixth Prince Part V Jasmine felt a nervous excitement grow inside of her as soon as he had spoken those few words. A third soul: she was pregnant! She was held protectively in his strong, silvery arms, floating almost magically with The Sixth Prince of Hell inside a nearly invisible pool in his bathing area. He nuzzled her. “I have never been a father before...” His voice was ecstatic, but wary of his inexperience. “Well,” Jasmine laughed quietly, “neither have I.” Izial chuckled and kissed her. “I know.” He drifted over to the shallow end and gradually rose up above the water as the depth receded, still carrying his petite, now pregnant, human girl in his arms. Droplets of water became drizzles rushing down their naked bodies as the demon stood up and set Jasmine delicately back on her feet. The soft water from the bath lapped lazily at her toes. Her gaze drifted to her belly. She opened her mouth hesitantly to speak, but her lover accidentally cut her off. “Catch, ...
    ... Jasmine.” He tossed her a dark, fluffy towel. “It is time to carry on with the hour, so dry yourself.” His smile bared the tips of his pearly fangs. She watched him, entranced by his gorgeous figure and his inky hair, sleek from the bath. Knowing her too well, the prince was fully aware of her lusty eyes devouring his naked demonic body, and he was certainly not shy to put on a bit of a show. A sly smirk played across his face as he decided to show off his expertise. He winked and glided the soft, absorbent towel seductively along his toned physique, slowly caressing his smoky body and taking time to linger on each gorgeous aspect of himself. His aura naturally filled the air with temptation and he effortlessly directed it onto himself, leaving Jasmine staring in awe and lust; completely captivated by his display. His well groomed hands skillfully highlighted his muscles, still shimmering in the candlelight from the water. He looked at his exposed, silvery complexion with longing and glanced over at his lover as he touched himself with lust. Once his torso was dried, he leaned over and wrapped his towel around his long legs, dipping low to the smooth, featureless obsidian floor. With his firm ass in his lover’s view, the dark prince swayed his arrow tipped tail in the air and swiftly flung the water droplets off of it with a sharp, effortless flick. Jasmine hadn’t even noticed that her dainty hands had slipped down between her thighs until her towel dropped to the floor. She ...