1. Sorrento: Part 2

    Date: 12/18/2015, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: LadyJaneGrey

    ... kisses that is possible to imagine. ‘Please do not move,’ she asked, ‘I will be right back.' I did move, but it was only to slide further up the bed to get more comfortable. I could hear the rustling of clothes and a hushed conversation in Italian. I made out the words ‘grazie’ and ‘molto bravo’ but little else. After the door closed, there was more rustling of clothes and a body slid down onto the bed next to me. A naked body. A naked female body. 'My my,' she said. 'He has always claimed he was built like a horse, but I thought he was just bragging. I can see I will have to take him more seriously in future.' 'I have never imagined being fucked by a horse.' She laughed. A sweet, contagious, easy laugh. She reached for the scarf. 'Shall we take this of?' 'Please' When it came off there was a brief moment where my eyes struggled to focus, but then I recognized her. Her beautiful smile. Her beautiful large black eyes. It was Anna. It was Anna that had greeted us and checked us in when we had arrived at the hotel. It was Anna that I had laughed and joked with almost every time we had passed the reception desk. It was Anna that had seemed so very sincere when she said she would do anything to make our stay a happy one. It was Anna that passed me the envelope this morning. I had judged myself to be only a few years older than her, but now, seeing her naked body at such close quarters, her absolutely perfect olive skinned body, she looked a lot younger. She was petite, slim, with ...
    ... long black hair. She had perfectly formed pert breasts with large dark brown nipples. After all the times I had complained about Tom and other men not looking at women's faces when they spoke to them, here I was staring at Anna's breasts. Transfixed by them. 'I am glad you approve,' she said. 'May I touch?' I stupidly asked. 'I really wish you would,' she replied, reaching for my hand and placing it so that it cupped her. Her breast seemed to fit perfectly into my palm. It felt so very, very good. I smiled up at her face. Her beautiful face. 'I take it you have never been with a woman before.' 'No,' I admitted. 'Is that because the thought repulsed you?' 'No, it is because I never imagined that I could be with anyone but my husband.' 'Hmmm. That seems to have changed.' She laughed, and moved to kiss me. It was wonderful feeling her lips against mine, and quite magical when our breasts touched. I instinctively put my arms around her, pulling her ever closer, and kissed her deeply and passionately. 'If you have never been with a woman, then you have never tasted a woman.' 'No.' 'And does that idea repulse you?' 'On the contrary,' I said, 'I am quite looking forward to it.' With that she pushed herself up onto all fours, and shuffled across the bed. She placed her feet either side of my shoulders, then sat back so that her bum hovered above my face. I was able to raise one arm so that my hand was again able to touch her breast. She clasped her hand over mine. I had no control of ...