1. The Lawn Boy

    Date: 12/17/2015, Categories: First Time Hardcore Interracial Sex, Author: surob123, Source: xHamster

    Hello my name is Shirley. I had an amazing experience that I would like to share. Im 42 with no c***dren and my husband works a lot so I am often home alone. I like to go to the gym and workout and I am a major movie junkie. One of the days during last summer I had just gotten back from the gym and heard a knock at the door. I went to answer and saw a young black boy standing there. “Hello” he said “I was wondering if you would be interested in me cutting your grass for 20 dollars?” “Sounds good to me.” I replied. “Go ahead and come knock again when you are done.” “Ok” he said and turned to go cut the grass. I went to go take a shower and change. I finished my shower and as I was pulling on my shirt I heard another knock. I went to the door and found the boy there again. “All done?” I asked. “Yes” he answered. “Ok well come in and I will get your money.” I turned and walked into the kitchen. “Would you like a drink?” I asked him. “Yes please.” he replied. “Would you like a soda?” I asked. “Yes please.” he replied. I walked over the fridge and opened the door. The pop was on the bottom shelf so I bent over to get one. I stood up and closed the door. Then I turned to give the boy his pop. The boy’s eyes were wide open and he was blatantly staring at my chest. I was wearing a white t-shirt with no bra and my nipples were hard from the cold of the fridge. A little background about me. I am 5’8” about 150lbs but not fat. I have a 28 waist 40 hips a bubble butt and a rather perky ...
    ... set of 36 double D’s. With my chest the size it is I am used to the stares and can totally understand. “Here you go” I said handing the boy his soda. The boy took it still staring at my chest. “So you like big boobs huh.” I said smirking. He immediately looked away and seemed embarrassed. “I’m sorry madam.” He said ashamed. “Its ok. You are not the first to stare and I am sure you won’t be the last. How old are you anyway?” I asked. “22” he said. He was a little shorter than me and a little on the thin side. “Ok well wait here.” I stated as I walked into the other room. I made sure to shake my hips as I walked, as I knew the boy would be looking. I got his money and by the time I returned he had finished his drink. I noticed that I had excited him, as it was obvious in the pants he was wearing. “Ok well why don’t you stop back again in two weeks.” I told him. “Ok madam.” he replied and left. Two weeks went by and I was watching a movie in my jammies when I heard a knock at the door. To specify my jammies are usually a white wife beater and often no bra with a pair of small shorts. I went and answered the door completely forgetting about the boy. There he was standing there staring at my chest again. “Oh I forgot! Come to cut the grass again?” I asked. He looked up at me “Yes madam.” “Ok well come back when you’re done,” I said closing the door. He was already excited this time and was carrying something large in his pants for sure. I decided I was going to tease him this time ...