My Step Sister - Part 2
Date: 12/17/2015,
First Time
Author: DaSpark
The morning after I had left my jizz on my step sister's stomach, I awoke on the couch. I was hung over a bit and I had dreamed of Becky the whole time. I realized what woke me up was her in the kitchen making food. I walked in and she looked at me and gave me a quick, nervous smile. "Damn my head hurts." I said, with sincerity, it was really pounding. "Yeah, alcohol and booze, they can sure make you do stupid stuff that you feel so silly about later." She said. I obviously knew she was referring to our little escapade but I wasn't gonna just ignore it. "Did you sleep ok Becky?" "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" "You seemed a bit upset last night . . ." "Well, you KNOW, stupid alcohol and weed made us silly. But we don't have to be embarrassed, we can just forget about it." She said. "Oh," I said and walked to the fridge. I grabbed the OJ and walked over to get a glass, Becky was right next to it, cooking on the stove. She was wearing a white t shirt (bra shown through, and some grey sweat shorts. The line of her panties was visible. Between her pony tail and her summer tanned legs, she looked hot as fuck early in the morning. I walked up behind her and set the OJ down, sliding my arms around her tummy and pressing my hardening cock into the small of her back. "But I don't want to forget about it." I said softly. "Marc, what are you doing?!" She sounded panicked, she was gripping the spatula like a weapon. "Becky can't you see how bad I want you . . ." I said as I ground my pelvis ...
... into her and slid one hand under her shirt to feel the skin of her tummy and where my cum had rested earlier. "God you perv! Gross!" She dropped the spatula and pushed me away from her and ran back up the stairs. She didn't speak to me the rest of that day and by the time the parents were home with our baby brother, I had given up that things would improve. The next 4 weeks sucked. I was more and more enamored with her, and she seemed to not want to have anything to do with me. She stopped asking to watch Ally McBeal with her, she stopped asking me to go to the movies or out to eat with her, in fact, she barely spoke to me at all. I guess she viewed the 4 weeks as punishment because suddenly she popped into my room and asked if I wanted to see the new Scary Movie. I jumped at the chance. We got stoned before hand and had a great time at the movie. I decided I was happy to just get to hang with her again and didn't push for more. Things continued to get better the next few weeks, as we started hanging out again and having fun together and it seemed like everything was better. I was constantly fighting the urge to grope her or give her a sexual vibe. I knew the only chance I had was to drop her inhibitions again, and that meant getting her fucked up. It took a bit of leg work but I finally found someone who could get access to some pot brownies. I forked over the cash and put them in a shoe box in my closet, waiting for the right time. That time ended up being about 2 weeks ...