1. Teaching Julie how to be Naughty – Part 1

    Date: 12/15/2015, Categories: First Time Hardcore Taboo Author: Mark234-satx, Source: xHamster

    ... was full of thoughts also…of her b*****r Jeff, and her broken f****y…She wouldn’t do what her parents had done…But what should she do? She couldn’t ruin her marriage like her parents had. Her marriage wasn’t great lately…but it was worth saving…also she loved her husband. She was just sexually frustrated by his lack of interest in her the past year…Wow, has it really been that long… She thought…If her k*ds wanted to play with each other, why should she stop them from doing something she had enjoyed doing so much as a ch*ld? She found herself nodding her head when her thoughts receded…giving Her permission. She gripped the steering wheel tighter, she felt as if she was going to have an orgasm. That feeling had been missing from her life for so many months now, and nothing she tried seemed to interest her husband. He went on business trips often, for weeks at a time, then when he came home he was exhausted. Also, he would spend his off time getting ready for the next trip…Damn him, her mind cried. And what were her k*ds doing, while she was sexually frustrated…they were playing flirting games. And her son was eating dirty panties, not only his little s****r’s, but Her Panties as well! “Mommy, do you really mean it…I can let Mark see my pee-pee? Julie asked with her head lowered, but her blue eyes looking up at her…so innocently. “Pussy…Julie…you can called it a Pussy.” her mother said softly. She heard Julie giggle loudly, she realized she was saying things before she thought ...
    ... them out. Images of cock and pussy floated in and out of her mind, sometimes vague, sometimes quite clear. “Okay, Mommy…Pussy…Can I really let Mark see my Pussy?” Julie giggled harshly, her small hand over her mouth, again. For a moment, Linda didn’t answer, and then she nodded again…knowing she meant it. “Ooohh…Yes Honey, its okay for you to show your Pussy to your b*****r.” “Ooohhh that will be so Naughty, Mommy.” “I thought you wanted to be a Naughty Girl, Julie?” Linda laughed, as she reached over to tickle her little girl’s tummy. “Oh, I do! I really do!” Julie hugged herself, squealing excitedly from her mother’s poking finger, she was almost bouncing her little ass off the seat. “I will let him see my pee…my pussy…mmmmm.” Linda grinned at her young daughter’s antics, “Oh, Sweet Baby, I can almost see your panties now.” Julie’s skirt was hiked very high, and the satin pink lace panties were almost completely exposed. With a loud giggle of excitement , Julie pulled her skirt up higher and leaned further back against the car door. Fully exposing her little, pink panty covered crotch. “Now you can see my panties better, Mommy! Aren’t they pretty!” she giggled. “Oh, My God!” her mother moaned, her pussy quivering strongly. Julie’s blue eyes were flashing with delight, looking at her mother. “I wonder if any of those people driving by can see my panties?” “Would you like that, Honey?” “Oooohh…huuumm…Yes, Mommy!” Julie giggled, as she squirmed in her seat. Linda began to drive ...