1. Teaching Julie how to be Naughty – Part 1

    Date: 12/15/2015, Categories: First Time Hardcore Taboo Author: Mark234-satx, Source: xHamster

    ... time they had shared in such a long time, she had come to Love her b*****r very deeply during that time. It had also been fun, she was 12 at the time, and her b*****r was 13, but it hadn’t lasted long after their parents had found out. The f****y wasn’t the same after that, a divorce followed, and her b*****r went to live with their father, and she hadn’t seen, or heard from them sense. She had missed her b*****r soooo much… “You might get mad, Mommy, are you mad…you look like you…” Julie asked softly, her eyes downcast in shame. “I’m not mad…I promised not to be mad, would you tell me?” Julie looked into her mother’s face. Linda could see the sparkling mischief there in those blue eyes. Her daughter, she realized, was almost squirming with excitement…an erotic excitement. Julie stood and cupped her mother’s ear again, looking around at the other people around them at the mall food court. “He said he wanted to eat my panties,” Julie said, then burst into peals of giggles. “Mark said that?” Linda gasped, and then covered her mouth as she looked around. No one paid any attention to her and Julie. “What else did your b*****r say?” “I can’t tell you, Mommy. It was about you.” “Me!?” Julie nodded, grinning impishly. “Tell me, “ her mother insisted. “It wasn’t all about you, Mommy,” Julie giggled. “Some of it was about me, too.” Linda wanted to hear, but this wasn’t the place. There was obviously something going on with her k*ds that she didn’t know about. She looked at her ...
    ... watch, seeing the time they had spent at the Mall, it was already past the time that they should have left. “We can leave whatever shopping we have left to another day…it’s time to leave, Julie” she said. She quickly picked-up their bags, and taking Julie’s small hand, headed for the right exit. --------- Chapter 2 The ride home… In the car, Julie sat with one leg up on the seat with her back to the door, facing her mother. Linda noticed her spread legs, and the lacy pink panties were exposed again…so innocently. She wanted to tell Julie to put her leg down, but something made her keep quiet. “Now, you can tell me everything,” she said, her voice oddly husky as she weaved through traffic. “I want to know just what your b*****r has been saying to you.” With her blue eyes flashing, Julie began to tell her mother. “Well, he calls my pee-pee…a cunt or a pussy,” she said. “And he told me he wants to eat my panties. That’s silly, isn’t it, Mommy? Why would he want to eat my dirty panties…yucky!” “Never mind that, just tell me.” “Well, he told me he wanted to eat your panties too, and he showed me a pair he swiped from the laundry…” “My panties…?” she softly groaned, as she felt a stronger tingle in her stomach, and thoughts of her b*****r raced through her mind, and pangs of Love for him, that she had suppressed for so long. Julie nodded, her face glowing with excitement. “Yes Mommy, he showed them to me. They’re white lace, and you can see through them” “I thought I lost those…” Linda ...