1. Step daughter dilema

    Date: 12/14/2015, Categories: First Time Masturbation Taboo Author: steeeviej, Source: xHamster

    When Suzy and I married she already had a daughter from a previous marriage. Nic was 10 when I married her mother. Now Nic never was treated like a daughter, she had a good relationship with her father and I was somewhat a big b*****r figure who she turnd to for advice and help. As she grew into a beautiful teen I benefitted from all of her equally beautiful friends coming over to the house on vists. As I was not a full generation in age ahead of them I was a bit of a curiosity to some of them. Nic would often let me know how some of her friends were quite smitten with me, she always said she was quite embarrassed by it but I think she quite enjoyed the girls wanting to visit. One afternoon during Nic's mid teen years we were having a bbq and a few drinks for friends who were around. Nic took this as open season to invite a few friends over. We were very liberal allowing her to have a drink in moderation at a young age, also letting her friends do the same when the visited. As the afternoon wore on into the evening and more alcohol was consumed I found myself cornered by one of Nic's quite inebriated friends as I was leaving the bathroom. Now Deb was pretty girl, not by any means the prettiest of Nic's group but she was attractive with shoulder length dark hair, a little on the heavy side but it suited her. She was questioning me as to whether I found her attractive. Of course I played it up telling her she was probably the prettiest of all of Nic's circle and how the guys ...
    ... must be flocking around her at school. After a few minutes of throwing a few complements at her, she suddenly grabbed my hand and pushed it under her shirt on the top of bra containing her small but pert breast. I pulled away totally not expecting that to happen. She got sad, telling me that all I had said was rubbish, she was the ugly duckling of the crowd and I must not find her attractive. I explained that I would be quite happy to explore her body in more detail but where we were in the house was quite public and we must be discreet. She agreed and accepted an invitation to get to know me better at a later date. A week passed and another bbq was on. Same old friends of Nic's trouped over including Deb. Well as the afternoon wore on and again the drink kicked in I was once again confronted outside the bathroom. However this time it was my stepdaughter Nic not Deb as I was expecting. Nic confronted me about Deb, she had been hinting she was going to have a bit of an encounter and Nic had put 2+2 together. To my huge suprise, Nic questioned why Deb was to be the recipient of any affection I was dish out today, after all did I not think Nic was better looking with a better figure? Fuck I was shocked, what did she want? She pulled me in and kissed me full on the lips, not the normal peck I got, this was hard and sexy. She pushed her tongue into my mouth. I pulled away. "Can't you show me the affection" she asked? Again she pulled me in and kissed me. I twisted tongues with her ...