The Shoplifter Chapter Four
Date: 12/14/2015, Categories: True Story Interracial, Pregnant, Author: Barbiebnympho
... for sure what is up, right.” He nodded agreement. He sat silently looking at me. His eyes were filled with compassion and concern. I asked about the details for the Hospital visit tomorrow. He handed me a white appointment slip. There was a short conversation most of which I have forgotten. He wanted to take me to the hospital; to be there to hear the results and plan the next step immediately. I want to go alone. I won. I just had too many mental and physical issues to have him there with me. Both of us seemed satisfied to say nothing more until the appointment was over tomorrow. By eleven I was back on the road home. As I drove I was overtaken by a panicky feeling. What in the world would Jamal have done today if he had known about my outrageous field trip to Bobby yesterday? While he was tormenting over my problems I was whoring. I was allowing that asshole Bobby to use me as a wanton whore. I was freely satisfying my wild kinky needs with a variety of black guys while Jamal tortured with my problems. How terrible can one girl be? I had to force myself to stop that type thinking and move on. My mind settled on the options he suggested for the future. Why was it he, as well as Bobby, seemed to think the only correct decisions for me involved keeping the baby? What strange thinking drove them center every option on that? For the first time I tried to think through what was really going on inside me if I stepped away from what was best for my parents. I was eighteen. What ...
... was best for me? First I had to admit to myself the overwhelming erotic desires which were with me constantly now. Desires that could bubble uncontrollably to the surface at anytime. Desires that yesterday drove me to become a sexual animal; to recklessly and shamelessly do what I did to gratify animalistic passions that had taken possession of me. I sure was not mother material, but I knew the possibility of becoming the mother of a big black baby contributed immensely to my licentious needs. I found myself utterly lost in thought. What conflict; the ultimate war between good and evil. My mind was on hype active. I cannot remember arriving at home. I sort of woke up in the kitchen, sitting at the island. I was a case of nerves. I tried to eat half a sandwich. I was alone, mother at the charity, dad out of town. One by one, things rattled through my mind. I had rarely been to a doctor, never been to a hospital. The whole thing scared me beyond belief. Next, I sort of came to, buried in my walk-in closet slowly sorting through my tons of clothes. One piece at a time I was looking for the most conservative, loose fitting, shapeless items I could find. As I sorted them out, I hung each baggy item on a rod to the side and then I even began to rearrange those, to put the most conservative ones in front. Dinner and the evening were a long nightmare. Mother was tired, watched a little TV and finally went to bed. I went up to my room at the same time. It was ten but it seemed like it ...