1. She didn't call him Daddy

    Date: 12/6/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy Male/Teen Female Masturbation Rape Teen Virginity Author: DaSpark

    Ana was on her side, under her comforter, staring at the clock. The number readout showed 12;54, it was almost one o’clock. When the clock struck one she could relax and sleep, before then she knew her night might not be over. The last time had been a week and a half ago, and it had gotten more intense and she could not help but wonder where things would go. Ana took in another deep breathe and the clock face flapped down to show 12:;55. She never wore pajamas anymore, not after the last pair got torn. She didn’t know what kind of story she would tell her mom if she ruin another pair. So she just crinkled them up in the morning on the floor. She slept now in lose sweat shorts and a loose oversized t-shirt. It was all loose, plenty of give, so it could be pulled, twisted and moved, she still couldn’t anticipate what was coming, she was raised too naïve. She remembered how it all started, and it was hard to believe that was almost 6 months ago. It seemed like so much had happened. Ana’s mom Adrianna had been from a poor family in Mexico. She got knocked at 17 and slipped across the border to have her baby. She had holed up with a group of undocumented aliens in Arizona. Adrianna had gotten work as a maid and worked multiple hotels to make enough money to try to give her daughter a better life. Then she had met Dan. Dan was the owner of a small company that supplied labor for cleaning positions at local hotels. His company took the risk of the undocumented workers and therefore ...
    ... were compensated by the industry. Dan wasn’t rich by any means but he didn’t worry about money and had a pretty nice home in a nice neighborhood. Adrianna was a very classically beautiful Hispanic with big eyes, big hair and big tits and fit right in the 1980’s. She wasn’t able to get citizenship even though her daughter had and worried constantly about it. Dan loved his Latinas. Only Latinas could make him truly hard. Something about the darker skin, the thick black brows and hair, the exaggerated curves. He wanted to fuck Adrianna, and he usually got to fuck any of his charge he wanted. After all, he could threaten to expose them, and get them deported, he would just face a small turn their heads fine. He really liked Adrianna. Many girls are pretty, not all pretty girls are sexy. Adrianna was, she was naturally feminine and sensuality was her instinct. Dan approached her, but she spurned his advances, even after threats. Dan was impressed at her spice and wanted her even more. So he approached her with a barter. If she would be his life in girlfriend for 10 years, he would marry her and make her a citizen. Adrianna moved in at 21, and had stayed with Dan who had given her and Ana a place to live, kept the pantry filled and even bought Adrianna a modest car. She didn’t get to stop working. Everything other than necessities, she had to work for. She continued to work for Dan in the day, and be his sex toy at night. Dan did not beat her or otherwise show cruelty. He enjoyed ...