Disclosures: Selfie Involvement - Ch 5
Date: 12/6/2015,
Author: KrystalClear, Source: LushStories
... and petition to ban our website from the Internet. “That was two weeks ago,” Dolly said as she looked at the faces in the room. “Marlon, can you tell me how many members have since dropped us?” He glanced at a printout of this morning analytics report and cleared his throat. “We’ve lost exactly twelve members as a direct result. Since the nightly talk and comedy shows have picked up on this issue too and started making fun of it, coupled with the controversial continuous mentioning of our site name, we’ve quadrupled the number of daily unique views of our site.” “And how many would that be? Approximately?” “North of six and half million. We need more servers to handle the traffic. Many more, man.” “Does anyone think adding a morning panel of airheaded blondes and a dull witted co-host to discuss the issues of the day and then having a gangbang would be in poor taste?” “Viewers could decide which hole should be plugged first,” I added as a suggestion. “Oh, I think we already know what hole that would be,” Dolly said with a laugh. There is nothing that drives interest in something more than controversy. We’d be controversial for a few more weeks, until some new outrage would come along to exploit. For us, the challenge became how to retain the massive number of followers who had been conveniently dropped in our lap. We were approaching the status of the largest of the mainstream site. A few days later, I received calls to the ad agencies of two competitive soft drive makers. ...
... Each wanted to buy exclusive advertisement space on our site. The pressure was on; we needed to keep our new viewers. “One of the segments we have been missing has been black and Asain MILFs. We’d received dozens of selfies of women of color,” I announced at our next planning meeting. “The women deserve to be represented as hot vibrant mature females that they are.” I put a dozen photos of the top contenders on the whiteboard. “You’re right, Chelsey; these women are beautiful, too. Is there a way we can showcase their unique attributes, without being exploitive?” There was a prolonged discussion among the production team as to what that might mean. What we wound up with was not at all what I originally had in mind. Like any shows on television, starting with a good idea, when run through a committee is frequently mangled and distorted beyond recognition. The show we devised was called, ‘Black or White or Asian?’ We weren’t able to secure the music rights to a similar titled song, but our production manager came up with a tune that sounded close enough without getting us into another lawsuit. The show involved an amateur Caucasian or Asian Cougar pitted against a black or Asian Cougar taking on a team of younger men. Afterward, the men would discuss their experience with each of the women, and the viewers would vote on the one they enjoyed the best. Our very first participant was a woman called, Shantel62076. She was a forty-something ‘African American princess’ as she described ...