1. The Big Taboo Orgy, part 1

    Date: 8/21/2015, Categories: Group Sex Hardcore Taboo Author: salodweller, Source: xHamster

    ... or what seemed like a long time with my aching cock waiting for her touch again. This was it, I thought. This was the suggestion that was a step too far. This was the suggestion that was going to end our fun. Then she shrugged. "Okay. Call them both down. I can't make her do anything if she doesn't want to. But we'll ask." And just like that Wendy grabbed her phone and texted Curtis, Amber and Bianca to come down from upstairs. Olive's tongue found its way back to my cock. "Are you sure you want her to see this?" I asked her. "See what?" Olive said. "Her mom sucking a stranger's cock." I clarified. "You're not a stranger." Olive said and went in for more. "You know what I mean." I answered. "She'd better see it. That way she'll know exactly what she's getting into." and her tongue slicked me yet again. "I'M CUMMING" I heard Brian shout and turned jus tin time to see him groan and pull out of Courtney's ass. Cum dripped down her ass cheek and her thigh and she quickly reached a hand around and slicked it up on her finger, bringing her finger to her mouth and licking it clean. "Well shit." I heard coming from yet another direction and turned to see Curtis and Amber standing at the door to the patio. Curtis's jaw was dropped, clearly in shock from what he just walked in on. Almost immediately he turned to walk away. "Where are you going?" Wendy asked before he could take a step. I thought for sure he was so appalled at what he saw he was leaving. Instead he clarified. "Bianca ...
    ... went to bed about twenty minutes ago. I'm going to go ask her if she wants to join an orgy." and he disappeared. There it was. That word. Orgy. It had happened without really even planning to. And not just any orgy. A big taboo orgy. Maybe, I thought, this is what happens when a bunch of attractive people get together. I didn't know. But it had happened and clearly there was no going back. The only option was to go forward, wherever that lead us. Amber, meanwhile stood and stared, frozen. Her hand was covering her mouth, and there was a sense, just a little sense that her shocked expression was turning into a smile. "What's going on here?" She said quietly. She wore a long lace skirt and a tank top. "We're having a little grown up fun" Olive said, pulling away from me, my precum dripping from her lips. Amber didn't speak. She just stared. "Haven't you ever wanted to stop being secretive about your desires and your wants and just let it all out?" Olive continued. Amber didn't speak. "Just total honesty without worry of judgment. For example. I've fucked eleven people in my life. There, now you know." She glanced at Wendy. And Wendy caught on immediately. "Yeah…" she said sweetly. "I've had sex with seven." Amber didn't speak. But Courtney chimed in too, getting herself re-composed, pulling her dress off completely. "I've had sex with twenty-nine people." She shared. "How about you?" Olive prodded. "How many men have you been with?" Amber pulled her hand away from her mouth. She ...