1. The Big Taboo Orgy, part 1

    Date: 8/21/2015, Categories: Group Sex Hardcore Taboo Author: salodweller, Source: xHamster

    ... I'd always known Olive to be a take-charge kind of woman, but I didn't expect her to be quite so open about her personal life. Still she declared it with confidence. "He told me the stories… sometimes I like to… you know…" she cleared her throat, "… while he tells me old naughty stories." I saw a look of shock wash over Wendy's face. Then her lips curled upward. She was turned on. I could tell. "Wait…" Pete was still wrapping his head around this. He directed his puzzlement at Brian, "You fucked my wife?" "Before she was your wife." Brian said defensively, not realizing that he'd just admitted to it. "And also I wouldn't say 'fucked.' It was always either oral or anal." Courtney looked at the ground shyly, but with a smile on her face. So many people were talking to so many others. The tempo, the intensity of the conversation was picking up. Olive addressed Courtney. "Okay and here's the thing…" Olive wore a button-down short-sleeved blouse and a pair of short shorts that showed off her great, shapely, long legs. Again, totally unexpected for a woman in her 40's. I'd never really noticed them before. But I wondered what it would be like to have them wrapped around me. Crushing I imagined. "He told me, that you gave him the best head he's ever gotten." She said at Courtney almost as if it were an accusation. Courtney shrugged shyly. "Why would you tell her that?" I asked Brian, realizing that it was the first I'd entered this conversation. Brian shrugged. "She can be very ...
    ... persuasive." "Yeah, and I wanna know…" Olive kept going, taking a drink of her wine. Then thinking better. "No actually never mind." For a split second I felt a little relief, as if someone had finally realized that the sexual tension building was just too weird, too inappropriate to go on. That relief died quickly. "I want to see why." Olive exclaimed. Nothing was said. I think everyone present was trying to wrap their heads around what had just been requested. "Are you saying?" Finally Courtney broke the silence. Courtney was wearing a flowery dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. "Are you saying you want to watch me give your husband a blow job?" "That's what I'm saying." Olive was in charge. "When?" Courtney glanced at her husband Pete. I'm not sure that was the follow up question he was expecting. Olive's answer, however was utterly predictable. "Why not now?" "I'm not sure Pete would like that." Courtney said. It was hard to tell what she was getting at. Was she looking for permission? Was she looking for an out? Pete didn't give her one. "I dunno" he said, suddenly eyeing Olive with more than a little lust painted across his face. If he'd ever been shocked or upset at what had been revealed that night, it wasn't noticeable any more. "I think maybe we can reach a fair agreement." And Olive smiled back, licking her lips a bit. It was something else to see a 40-something CEO acting like a wildly horny girl. I turned to Wendy to see how she was reacting to all ...