Sam's adventure chapter 2
Date: 12/2/2015, Categories: Fantasy Blowjob Body modification, Cum Swallowing Incest Masturbation Mind Control, Oral Sex Teen Male Solo, Teen Male/Teen Female Voyeurism Author: crazyhorny4862
Thank you for the First comments, I hope you enjoy the coming chapters Chapter 2 Sam ran back into his room, packed a few things in a bag and bolted out the door. “I’ll be back before dinner” He called to Charlotte, was sitting reading a book in the lounge. She had barely looked up and the front door was closed. Sam was running down the road at a jogging pace, wanting to get there in a hurry but knew he couldn’t sprint there. Soon enough he reached the forest and made his way back to the cave. Looking around inside he couldn’t see the alien. “Hello? Are you there? What did you do to me? Why has my body change?” “Hello Sam” the alien said very calmly as it came into sight. “There is no need to panic. I told you that you would have all your desires. While I was penetrating you, I was also accessing you brain, searching for your deepest desires.” “My deepest desires?” Sam repeated sceptically. “Yes, I have altered your DNA a little as well as opening up your mind a little.” “My DNA? My Mind? How? Why?” “No reason. Call it a reward for finding me.” It was at this point the Sam realised that the aliens lips weren’t moving, but he could still heard it perfectly. He couldn’t believe it. “My species has certain abilities from being able to read minds and changing DNA to mind control and suggestive thinking. I have given you the ability of suggestive thought onto people as I felt this would suit you the best., however there is a limit to what you can do. Such as you can create sexual ...
... craving in the mind of anyone. To make it overcome their thought process so much that they can think of nothing else until they have satisfied their craving.” Sam couldn’t believe his ears, well his mind as it wasn’t actually talking. “So I can make anyone I want to have sexual cravings for me?” He asked “Not quite, you can just make them so sexually frustrated that they can’t think of anything else and give in to the nearest relief. If that is you or someone else or themselves all depends on the person and their will power.” It answered. “Which brings me to the physical side. I have made your body more muscular an athletic, made your sex organ bigger and thicker, also to appeal to anyone you desire, Instant recover for regular use and a longer lasting ability. You will now release you seed when you want and lastly, your production of your reproduction seed has increased tenfold. You will produce a large amount almost straight away and will drive all who taste wild for more. To put it as simple as possible, you are now a sexual being among humans.” Sam just stood there in disbelief. “Now leave, one day you will return to me and I will have a job for you but until that day, do not return” Sam left dumbfounded and not sure how to take it all. It was as if all he dreams had come true. As he walked home he kept running over and over what the alien had said, trying to comprehend it. When he got home no one was home again so he went to his room, stripped off, pulled up a porno to ...