1. Taking The Thompson Women 2 by loyalsock

    Date: 12/2/2015, Categories: First Time Interracial Sex, Author: loyalsock, Source: xHamster

    ... and freaked out. Really? How come? He wanted to know if we were seeing each other. And I told him no. He launched into this whole thing, about white men and black women. And then he accused you of stealing from him. What?? Yeah. He said some money he had went missing. I kept saying you would never do anything like that and he tore the house apart looking at it. My mom had it all along and now they're arguing about it. I can hear them through the walls. I'm sorry Mya. Maybe your father is just stressed? Its not his fault. No. It is his fault. He's racist. There is no reason why he should talk about you like that. He had no right. Can I c u tonight? Yes daddy. That night, Mya snuck out of her house for the first time. She felt a thrill coursing through her body as she got into my car parked down the block. She felt so embarrassed about her father and what he said about me. She wasn't thinking about the future. She wasn't thinking about anything except me. As far as she knew, all was right in the world.