Sylvie's show
Date: 11/29/2015, Categories: Fantasy Male/Teen Female School Young Author: bobby5555
... swaying and talking. A number of the teachers unfortunately always seem to enjoy being the dancing police. They are vigilant about pulling kids apart that are dancing too close. I'm happy to keep kids from running off into other parts of the school and I would break up a fight in a second, but I can't bring myself pull kids apart for rubbing against each other. I think I wish I had been so bold as a 13-year-old. Grinding seemed to be especially popular this year and the two self-appointed dance police who had shown up had their work cut out for them. The eighth graders especially weren't shy about getting close. I found myself mesmerized by Sylvie who was dancing with a popular soccer player. He had taken control and was grinding his crotch hard against her little bottom. I imagined myself in his place rhythmically pushing against her and rubbing my hands across the smooth satin of her dress. Sylvie's eyes were closed, her mouth opened slightly in an expression of pleasure. All of a sudden a look of distrees came across her face. She pulled away from the boy and put a hand against her chest. Looking around furiously her eyes found me and she walked quickly across the gym. When she reached me she was cringing and her eyes were afraid. "Need my... inhaler" she wheezed. "You don't have one with you?" She shook her head. "Come on then." We walked purposefully out of the gym and down the hallway to my office. I grabbed her inhaler from the cabinet and she took big puff from it. ...
... "Sit down in here," I said, leading her to the cot in one of the sick rooms. She sat down, less distressed, but still breathless. "It's too tight," she complained and pawed at the zipper on the back of the dress. "Please help me." I carefully undid the clasp at the top of the dress and lowered the zipper down her back, exposing her white back and the clasp of her skin-colored bra. "Take one more puff of the inhaler. Then why don't you rest here for a few minutes? I'll be out at my desk." I sat down at my desk and took a few deep breathes. Seeing her grinding on the dance floor, unzipping her dress, and not to mention the thought of the pantyhose covering her legs and bottom had my head spinning. In order to have something to do I started catching up on some paperwork. After I finished a few forms I entered her inhaler use in the computer and went to check on Sylvie. She was looking much better and I sat down beside her on the cot. "Are you feeling any better, Miss Sylvie?" She leaned against me, "Oh, much better Mr. Schuller, thank you." Absently my hand landed on her left knee. My fingers opened unconciously to feel the smooth nylon. Startled at how close I suddenly was to this 13-year-old I pulled my hand away. Sylvie look up at me and smilled, and then scooted right up against me, pressing her hip and thigh against mine. Partly for lack of a better place for it and also out of a desire to touch the girl, I put my arm around Sylvie, resting my hand on her shoulder. "It looked ...