1. First gay sex

    Date: 11/29/2015, Categories: Anal First Time Gay Male, Author: zaayn98, Source: xHamster

    ... and got faster! i got feel the thrust getting faster and at this point i started moaning from the pleasure i was getting! it felt absolute intense hot and so much pleasure! J fucked me for a good 20/30 minutes then moved out whipped the condom off and said im about too shoot! i then started sucking his cock and he was trying to move his cock out my mouth! with so much pleasure he couldn't speak and ended up squirting in my mouth! i had a mouthful of cum, i swallowed for the first time too! it was tasty and sweet! J gave me the look and said you swallowed it?! i opened my mouth and said yeah! he then sucked me off and i shot all over his face! both lay there on his bed naked with him half on me! we cleaned up and went both ways!