Mum and Her Nakedness Pt. 02
Date: 11/27/2015, Categories: True Story Boy, Incest Male / Older Female, Mature Young Author: Unknow user
This one will be about the first holiday we took together a few months after the events surrounding my 19th birthday, which I spoke about in my first story. We often went to a county in the UK called Wiltshire, it's where my Mum grew up and she loved it there, we would travel around various country villages and stay in our caravan at random campsites along the way. Our caravan was tiny but because it was just me and my Mum it never really bothered us. There are certain embarrassing situations that a growing lad might have had with his Mum being in such close proximity but I was never embarrassed around her so nothing was ever awkward, even using the toilet wasn't an issue for me, in fact it was often a source of arousal when I watched her urinate or even poo. I used to love sleeping next to her in that smaller than average double bed, we would often spoon and for the first time on this holiday we both regularly slept semi-naked together. My hands were usually all over her as she just carried on doing random things around the caravan, like cooking us dinner, tidying up, doing the dishes or getting ready to go out. We would spend our days visiting places and doing the whole 'site seeing' thing and just enjoying the british countryside in the summer, then once we got back to the caravan and closed the curtains in our own little secluded world, the clothes would come off, usually her's first I might add, and we would spend the evenings naked or partially clothed just carrying on ...
... with normal stuff. It must have been the second or third night that I first watched her go to the toilet, don't get me wrong, I had caught glances of her before but never lingered to have a proper look. This particular night I was watching the tiny tv we had and she had just finished washing the dishes after dinner when she said she needed to use the loo. The door to our tiny combined shower and toilet opened inwards, so you would walk in, then have to try to close the door around you which was more difficult than it sounds, so it was just easier to leave it open, especially for a quick wee. Although it had to be closed to use the shower. By the time she had walked the few feet from the kitchen area to the toilet door the tv was off and I was following her. She looked back at me and said "Where do you think you're going?" "I want to see" I said. "You want to see?" "Yes" I grinned and she shook her head in that way she did sometimes as if to say "What am I going to do with you?" but after the shaking of the head came a smile, smiles always came easily to my Mum, especially for me. Our sofa converted to the bed we slept on and I had already assembled it while my Mum was washing the dishes. The edge of the bed was right outside the toilet so you could barely make it from the kitchen area to the toilet (that's probably why the door opened inwards). She was wearing a pair of panties and my favourite t-shirt (she wore this a lot since my birthday because she knew how much I liked ...